
permeate through造句

permeate through造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:30:06


permeate through造句

  • 1、This supports inflation theory and provides further evidence for the mysterious "Dark Energy" that is predicted topermeate through the universe, causing space-time to expand at an accelerated rate.(這支持了暴漲理論并且更進(jìn)一步證明了“暗能量”像預(yù)期的那樣充斥著我們的宇宙從而引起時(shí)空膨脹的加速。)
  • 2、The rejection of optical brightener by nanofiltration membrane was 98. 9% and the salt couldpermeate through the membrane in the experiment.(小試實(shí)驗(yàn)表明,納濾膜對(duì)增白劑的平均截留率989%,對(duì)鹽基本沒(méi)有截留效果。) haO86.com
  • 3、True aesthetic education is to make aesthetic principlespermeate through the teaching of all subjects.(真正的美育是將美學(xué)原則滲透于各科教學(xué)后形成的教育。)
  • 4、Let the dignity and elegance go far in a serene manner and allow the art and romancepermeate through life.(讓尊貴與典雅寧?kù)o致遠(yuǎn),讓生活擁有滲人入骨髓的藝術(shù)與浪漫。)
  • 5、The theoretical knowledge instruction should permeate and run through skill teaching.(理論知識(shí)講授要滲透和貫穿于技術(shù)教學(xué)之中。)
  • 6、The Confucianists ideology and culturepermeate through pattern, prison of building also, one that is to warder choose and …(儒家思想還滲透到監(jiān)獄建筑的型式當(dāng)中,對(duì)獄吏的選拔和培養(yǎng)也產(chǎn)生了很大影響。)
  • 7、Plants that climb over this wooden trellis bolster the natural shading it provides, while breezes can still permeate the building and those inside are able to look out through the gaps.(攀附在木構(gòu)架外部的植物能夠遮蔭,同時(shí)不影響風(fēng)徐徐吹入建筑內(nèi)部,而處于室內(nèi)的人則可以透過(guò)格子框架的縫隙觀察外面的景色。)
  • 8、Efficacies: the natural whitening ingredients together with the nourishing ingredients of lucid ganoderma canpermeate through the skin rapidly to help to recuperate the natural whiteness of the skin.(功效:所蘊(yùn)含的自然美白成份,融合于獨(dú)有的滋潤(rùn)成份中,迅速滲入肌膚,幫助肌膚恢復(fù)自然美白。)
  • 9、So the dirt won'tpermeate through tile as other common polished tile, ink, tea or coffee stain can be easily removed from tile.(因此像墨水,茶漬,咖啡漬等都不會(huì)滲透進(jìn)磚里面,可以很輕易的清楚干凈。)
  • 10、After a while it begins topermeate through your skin.(過(guò)了一會(huì),它會(huì)開(kāi)始滲入你的皮膚。)
  • 11、With the popularization of the Internet and surfing the net with broadband, search engine likes a dark horse in China, andpermeate through daily life day by day.(隨著互聯(lián)網(wǎng)和寬帶上網(wǎng)的普及,搜索引擎在中國(guó)異軍突起,并日益滲透到人們的日常生活中(略)。)
  • 12、One side of the clothes-supporting frame passes through the centre hole of the cylindrical helical torsion spring to permeate in the through holes of the big arc clip and the small arc clip.(撐衣框的一邊通過(guò)圓柱螺旋扭轉(zhuǎn)彈簧的中心孔貫穿在大、小弧夾片的通孔中。)
  • 13、Conclusion: the active ingredients of proanthocyanidins flexible nanoliposomes canpermeate through the skin effectively and lie long time.(結(jié)論:原花青素柔性納米脂質(zhì)體中有效成分能較快滲透進(jìn)入皮膚,并在皮膚局部較長(zhǎng)時(shí)間蓄積。)
  • 14、Based on the fact that magnetic fields can permeate non-magnetizable metals, it is possible to detect a permanent magnet attached to the piston through the aluminium wall of the cylinder.(基于這一事實(shí),即磁場(chǎng)可以滲透到非磁化的金屬,它可以檢測(cè)到一個(gè)永久磁鐵重視通過(guò)氣缸壁鋁活塞。)
  • 15、After injection, pickling, tumbling, massaging procedures, abundant ingredients and special flavor fullypermeate through beef tissue.(通過(guò)注射、腌制、滾揉、按摩,讓口味奇特的養(yǎng)分成分充足滲透到牛肉的組織中去。)
  • 16、Eventually, the water willpermeate through the surrounding concrete.(最終,水會(huì)滲透進(jìn)周圍的混凝土中。)
  • 17、If the tip leaks, dangerous chemicals maypermeate through rocks and soil into rivers.(如果垃圾傾倒場(chǎng)發(fā)生泄漏,危險(xiǎn)的化學(xué)物質(zhì)就可能穿過(guò)巖石和土壤滲入江河。)

permeate through基本釋義

permeate through

英 [?p?:mieit θru:] 美 [?p?mi?et θru] 
