
perspective glass造句

perspective glass造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:30:04


perspective glass造句

  • 1、Major in art museum, senior show window glass surface, reduce the dazzling light reflex, enhance the perspective effect by display items.(主要用美術(shù)館,博物館,高級展示櫥窗等,減少玻璃表面反射光線帶來的眩目等,增強(qiáng)被展示物品的視角效果。)
  • 2、She replied, "From my perspective, the absolute weight of this glass doesn't matter."(她回答道:“在我看來,這杯水的絕對重量不重要?!?
  • 3、Due to its features of open-eyesight and good-perspective, the point-supported glass curtain wall system is popularly applied in public buildings, but it also has the flaw of high energy-consuming.(在公共建筑中廣泛應(yīng)用的點支式玻璃幕墻體系,具有視野開闊、通透美觀的優(yōu)點,但也有能耗過大的缺點。)
  • 4、The action mechanism of the polymer in glass cleaner was also discussed and the application perspective of it was forecasted.(探討了此聚合物在玻璃清洗劑中的作用機(jī)理,展望了此種聚合物的應(yīng)用前景。)
  • 5、This is the glass is half-empty versus the glass half-full perspective.(這就是觀點對峙:空了一半的水杯和半杯倒?jié)M的水杯。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 6、Internal partitions spacious, practical rate, a balcony perspective, the design landing glass hall, sunny.(室內(nèi)間隔寬敞,實用率高,戶戶有陽臺,大廳設(shè)計落地玻璃,陽光充沛。)
  • 7、At this, he returned to furiously pumping his wings and banging into the glass, which was, in his perspective, the pathway of escape, but remained his cage.(一擺脫蜘蛛網(wǎng),它就猛烈地?fù)亜映岚颍驳剿J(rèn)為是逃生之路的玻璃上,但是無濟(jì)于事,仍然被困在里面。)

perspective glass基本釋義

perspective glass

英 [p??spektiv ɡlɑ:s] 美 [p??sp?kt?v ɡl?s] 

