
play football造句

play football造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:29:29


play football造句

  • 1、He turned out to be a pretty cool kid. I asked him if he wanted toplay football on Saturday with me and my friends.(他原來竟是一位非常討人喜歡的孩子,我問他是否周六想跟我及我的朋友一起踢足球。)
  • 2、Why was Tony unhappy? Because his father didn't let himplay football.(托尼為什么不高興?因為他爸爸不讓他踢足球。)
  • 3、I only ever wear short sleeves toplay football or golf - but they're polo shirts - not shirts.(我從來只在踢足球或打高爾夫時穿短袖——但它們是馬球衫——不是襯衫。)
  • 4、We were going toplay football, but it was so hot that we decided to do otherwise.(咱們原計劃踢足球,但是氣候太熱,咱們就決定去干其它事變了。)
  • 5、In my free time Iplay football because I love being a part of a team and working towards an objective with others.(有空時喜歡踢足球,因為我喜歡成為團隊的一員,和其他人一起為一個共同的目標(biāo)奮斗。)
  • 6、In school in gym class they wouldn't let meplay football. I mean the teacher and other kids.(在學(xué)校的體育課上,他們不讓我踢足球,我指的是老師和其他孩子。)
  • 7、The only thing I want to do is toplay football alongside all these wonderful players.(我唯一想做的事情是和所有這些優(yōu)秀的球員們一起踢球。)
  • 8、I was too slow toplay football, and my devastating curve and drop at 12 didn't come with any more break at 16.(我速度太慢以至于不能踢足球,而12歲時的致命弧線球和灌籃到了16歲卻沒有什么長進。)
  • 9、Sometimes I visit my grandparents. I oftenplay football. Sometimes I go hiking.(有時候我看望我的爺爺奶奶。我經(jīng)常踢足球。有時候我去遠足。)
  • 10、The doctor says I can start working out again soon and maybeplay football like before in a few weeks.(醫(yī)生說我很快就可以開始鍛煉了,而且也許幾個星期后就可以像以前那樣踢足球了。)
  • 11、I stillplay football here, and sometimes I umpire here, so it's a great park.(我仍然在這兒踢球,而且有時候在這兒當(dāng)裁判,所以這是個很棒的公園。)
  • 12、One of my friends asked that why do you pay so much money for your kids toplay football?(我的一個朋友曾經(jīng)問我:你為什么在孩子踢球上面花這么多錢呢?)
  • 13、The boys, wanting toplay football, were disappointed when it rained.(那些男孩子想踢足球,因為下雨感到失望。)
  • 14、Very much. I wanted toplay football. But I like coaching very much. I'm very happy.(非常喜歡,我原來想打橄欖球,但現(xiàn)在我非常喜歡教練工作,我很高興。)
  • 15、People sometimes look at football players as people focussed on money but more than that they love toplay football.(有時人們看待球員集中在金錢上而不是球員本身,但更多的是他們喜歡踢足球。)
  • 16、Doctors said that Johnston definitely needed surgery if he wanted toplay football again.(醫(yī)生說如果約翰斯頓他還想踢足球,就一定需要手術(shù)。)
  • 17、I saw many of my friends are playing on the playground, so, I and together theyplay football.(我看到我的很多朋友在操場上玩,于是,我和他們一起踢起了足球。)
  • 18、Mention that you and three other people usuallyplay football on Thursday evenings if they want to join in.(也應(yīng)該告訴他們您和其他三人通常在星期四晚上踢足球,看他們是否想加入。)
  • 19、That is sufficient punishment for someone like me who only ever wants toplay football.(那對任何一個象我這樣的想要踢足球的人來說已經(jīng)是一個足夠的處罰了。)
  • 20、The players from abroad adored coming to England toplay football because they always knew the fans were fantastic.(許多外國球員都憧憬著來到英國踢球,因為英國球迷的熱情是出了名的。)
  • 21、Bo Shi Wa likes toplay football.(博士蛙喜愛踢足球。)
  • 22、"We were up against a very tough side who were not allowing us toplay football," added Kaka.(“我們面臨的是一個不允許我們好好拿球的非常難纏的對手,”卡卡補充到。)
  • 23、You can be poor andplay football in the street with a little ball made out of newspapers, you know?(你可以很窮,可以在街上用報紙做的小球踢足球,你知道嗎?)

play football基本釋義

play football

[plei ?futb?:l] 

