
plead not guilty造句

plead not guilty造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:29:22


plead not guilty造句

  • 1、He's hired a prominent New York lawyer to represent him, who says his client willplead not guilty to the charges against him.(他已經(jīng)聘請(qǐng)了紐約一位著名的律師為他辯護(hù)。這位律師聲稱(chēng)他的當(dāng)事人會(huì)請(qǐng)求無(wú)罪。) Hao86.com
  • 2、The old man did not plead guilty in the court at the beginning.(在庭上那個(gè)老人一開(kāi)始并沒(méi)有為犯罪辯解。)
  • 3、He is one of the reservists who willplead not guilty when their cases come up.(他是其中一個(gè)在案件審理時(shí)將申辯無(wú)罪的后備役軍人。)
  • 4、Siemens cooperated extensively and admitted to ACTS like falsifying its records. But it did not plead guilty to bribery.(西門(mén)子公司非常合作,承認(rèn)了例如偽造公司檔案等違法行為,但其否認(rèn)進(jìn)行賄賂一罪。)
  • 5、His personal attorney, William Taylor, confirmed that Mr. Strauss-Kahn wouldplead not guilty to the charges today, suggesting he will be arraigned on Sunday.(卡恩的私人律師威廉·泰勒表明卡恩將在周日接受傳訊,但他確認(rèn)卡恩不會(huì)對(duì)今天的指控服罪。)
  • 6、"After she did attempt toplead not guilty by reason of insanity," West said, "Susan Smith was actually convicted and sentenced to life in prison.(在她試圖以精神失常為借口申請(qǐng)無(wú)罪后,”韋斯特說(shuō),“蘇珊史密斯最后被判處終身監(jiān)禁。)
  • 7、If he does indeed plead guilty to the 2001 attacks, thereby potentially avoiding a trial, the quality of the commissions might not seem to matter.(如果他對(duì)2001年的襲擊認(rèn)罪,那么審判也許就可以避免了,而特別法庭的審訊質(zhì)量(意即審訊是否合法是否公正是否符合程序)到底如何也變得無(wú)足輕重。)
  • 8、If you receive a traffic ticket you normally have the option to plead guilty or no contest and accept the consequences orplead not guilty and fight the ticket in court.(如果你接到一張交通罰單,你通常有權(quán)選擇服罪或者不予辯駁,接受事實(shí),或者不服罪,進(jìn)行法庭辯論。)
  • 9、His lawyers say he'llplead not guilty.(貝爾斯的律師表示將做無(wú)罪辯護(hù)。)
  • 10、Allplead not guilty and were acquitted of the charges.(所有人都否認(rèn)指控,最終被宣判無(wú)罪。)

plead not guilty基本釋義

plead not guilty

英 [pli:d n?t ?ɡilti] 美 [plid nɑt ?ɡ?lti] 

動(dòng)詞不服罪; 拒不服罪