
play sports造句

play sports造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:29:25


play sports造句

  • 1、The people who oftenplay sports have less illness than those who seldomplay sports.(經常做運動的人比幾乎不運動的人少生病。)
  • 2、I perfer toplay sports with my classmates when I am free.(當我有空我喜歡跟我的同學一起進行體育運動。)
  • 3、Lots of readers are going toplay sports.(許多讀者都想做運動鍛煉。)
  • 4、play sports -find a physical activity that will get you to move and provides a challenging environment.(進行體育鍛煉-選擇一項體育運動,能讓你活動起來,給你提供具挑戰(zhàn)性的環(huán)境。)
  • 5、A break between classes is a good time for students toplay sports and talk with their classmates.(課間休息對學生來說是做運動和與同學交談的好時機。)
  • 6、He only wants me to study, but my mom helped me so now I canplay sports too.(他只希望我學習,但是我媽媽幫助了我,所以我現(xiàn)在能參加體育運動了。)
  • 7、But, because Iplay sports and guitar with my right hand, I am technically mixed-handed. Whatever.(但是,因為我用右手運動和彈吉他,所以實際上,我是兩只手混用。)
  • 8、He doesn'tplay sports.(他不會做運動。)
  • 9、Plus, lots of people have exercise equipment at home, or they canplay sports with their friends.(另外,很多人家里都有運動器材,或者他們可以和朋友一起運動。)
  • 10、When you feel well, you could take more exercises, orplay sports like basketball, running, and swimming.(感覺好些的時候多做運動,打打籃球、跑跑步或者潞游泳什么的。)
  • 11、How many minutes do youplay sports? About Twenty minutes.(你做運動需要多長時間?大約二十分鐘。)
  • 12、But he doesn'tplay sports -he only watches them on TV!(但是他從不運動,只是在電視里看體育節(jié)目。)
  • 13、I like sports very much. Iplay sports every day. I'm good at many sports.(我很喜歡運動,我每天都運動,我擅長很多種運動。)
  • 14、Butt he doesn'tplay sports - he only watches them on TV!(但是他不做體育運動罩——他只在電視上看體育節(jié)目!)
  • 15、If youplay sports for a living, your job will sometimes be very dangerous.(如果你靠運動為生,你的工作有時會很危險。)
  • 16、After the class in the afternoon, sometimes we will go running, sometimes we willplay sports.(在下午放學后后,有時我們會去跑步,有時候我們會參加體育活動。)
  • 17、Sometimes we will go hiking, go swimming,play sports, go shopping, and some other things.(有時我們會去爬山,游泳,打球,購物,還有一些其他東西。)
  • 18、If it is convenient, anyone asks me to go out toplay sports, I will say yes.(如果方便的話,不管是誰約我出去運動,我都會答應。)
  • 19、B: Oh, I'm too lazy toplay sports, and I'm not good at anything either. It hardly excites me.(噢,我太懶了,不想打球,而且我什么都不在行。我對運動沒興趣。)
  • 20、If you're in a bad mood, goplay sports, cook, watch a kung fu movie - anything that makes you happy.(如果你心情不好,去打球、做飯、看功夫電影——任何讓你快樂的事。)
  • 21、Such as, listen music, sing songs, watch movies, dance,play sports, go hiking and so on.(例如,聽音樂,唱歌,看電影,跳舞,參加體育運動,徒步旅行等等。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 22、Sometime we will buy some snacks sometimes we willplay sports during the break between every class.(在課間休息的時候,有時我們會去買一些零食,有時我們會去做一下運動。)

play sports基本釋義