pick on造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:29:49


pick on造句

  • 1、Each country has its region topick on, the way people in my native Holland take it out on the Belgians, and vice versa.(每個國家都有各自作弄的對象。在我的故鄉(xiāng)荷蘭,人們喜歡捉弄比利時人,到了比利時正好相反。)
  • 2、I'm not just going topick on individual investors, I'm going topick on institutional investors too.(我不僅在批評個人投資者,我也要批評機(jī)構(gòu)投資者。)
  • 3、They could create hard-wearing clothing, strengthen our buildings, help repair our broken bones, or they maypick on someone their own size by picking fights with the viruses that cause winter colds.(它們能夠制造耐穿的衣物,加固我們的樓房,修復(fù)我們受損的骨頭,或者根據(jù)各人不同的情況與導(dǎo)致冬季感冒的病毒做斗爭。)
  • 4、Sorry that I cannot go to the airport to pick you up in person on account of stomach ache.(很抱歉我不能親自去機(jī)場接你,因為我肚子痛。)
  • 5、It's very easy topick on him. Very easy.(指責(zé)他是非常容易的,非常容易。)
  • 6、If we can't explain why some people like topick on these kids, can we at least shed some light on what causes bed wetting?(如果我們無法解釋為什么偏偏這些兒童尿床,那么我們至少探究下尿床的原因吧!)
  • 7、Bulliespick on younger children.(恃強凌弱的家伙欺負(fù)更年幼的孩子。)
  • 8、Say somebody doespick on you in the hall.(如果有人老愛在大庭廣眾之下挑你的刺。)
  • 9、Even if the police are more likely topick on black boys, both the police and society as a whole are far less racist than in the past. Yet history lingers.(即便警察更傾向于針對黑人男孩,警察和社會整體的種族主義傾向都比過去要小,然而歷史在踟躕不前。)
  • 10、The only pressures I had was when people used topick on me.(唯一的壓力就是人們找我茬。)
  • 11、Pick up your guitar and put on your cowboy hat.(拿起你的吉它,戴上牛仔帽。)
  • 12、You alwayspick on him.(你總是挑他的毛病。)
  • 13、You must tell Mark not topick on me.(你必須告訴馬克不要挑我的毛病。)
  • 14、The crowd hooted. The young man had us laughing, but it seemed unfair topick on this unhappy young woman.(人群中有人開始起哄,年輕人把我們逗笑了,但是對這個悲傷的女人來說很不公平。)
  • 15、"I liked topick on people who were weaker than me, kids who obviously would grow up to be sissies," he said.(“我就愛找比我弱的人的茬兒,作弄那些娘娘腔,”他說。) haO86.com
  • 16、Risk CARDS encourage players topick on each other.(風(fēng)險卡片鼓勵玩家們互踩。)
  • 17、pick on a bechaara bakra [poor goat] who has entered college.(作弄一只進(jìn)了大學(xué)的bechaarabakra(可憐的山羊)。)
  • 18、Whypick on Huawei?(為什么單挑華為的刺呢?)
  • 19、I am not weak. The inner voice likes topick on your weaknesses.(我并不虛弱你的心聲喜歡挑出你的弱點。)
  • 20、Yet here we stand: Facebook is one of the most valuable websites on the Internet, Zuckerberg is one of the world’s youngest billionaires, and MySpace… let’s notpick on them.(然而我們不得不承認(rèn):Facebook是互聯(lián)網(wǎng)上最有價值的網(wǎng)站之一,扎克伯格也是全球最年輕的億萬富翁之一,而MySpace……不提也罷。)
  • 21、She admits other girls her age were jealous of her and wouldpick on her at school.(她承認(rèn)其他同齡女孩嫉妒她并在學(xué)校里作弄她。)
  • 22、Women who felt abandoned by their fathers are likely to choose emotionally unavailable husbands, for example, and men raised by hypercritical moms will be drawn to wives whopick on them, he says.(他說,例如,感到被她們的父親拋棄的女人傾向于選擇一個情緒不穩(wěn)定的丈夫,被苛刻母親撫養(yǎng)大的男人會選擇挑剔他們的人做妻子。)
  • 23、Just because you're great in sports and really handsome and get all the pretty girls doesn't mean you canpick on the less-fortunate geeks.(僅僅因為你在體育上出色,長得帥點,能泡到美妞,并不意味你就可以跟那些不太幸運的怪人找茬。)
  • 24、We're going to go to the realm of Western jazz here and I'm going topick on Chuck Mangione.(我們將進(jìn)入西方爵士樂的領(lǐng)域,我將選擇查克·曼卓恩。)
  • 25、The birds have a taste for sunseeds and alsopick on corn kernels from the cobs, often ruining them.(鳥類很喜歡吃葵花籽,還能把玉米粒從玉米穗上叼下來,常常造成毀滅性的破壞。)
  • 26、'Peoplepick on people who are different because they're scared.(‘人們總是喜歡欺負(fù)那些與眾不同的人,因為他們心懷恐懼,容易盲目地隨大流?!?

pick on基本釋義

pick on

英 [pik ?n] 美 [p?k ɑn] 
挑選; 挑剔