
power station造句

power station造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:28:50


power station造句

  • 1、Apower station, 'said Benny.(“發(fā)電站?!北灸嵴f。)
  • 2、They're going to build on the site of the oldpower station.(他們要在老發(fā)電站那里蓋房子。)
  • 3、This mighty electricity-generatingpower station was built on the express orders of the president.(這一大型電力發(fā)電站是按照總統(tǒng)的明確指令修建的。)
  • 4、Once apower station, this striking building on the south bank of the Thames is now one of the most comprehensive contemporary art galleries in the world.(這座位于泰晤士河南岸的引人注目的建筑曾經(jīng)是一座發(fā)電站,現(xiàn)在是世界上最全面的當代藝術(shù)畫廊之一。)
  • 5、It is also said to have cajoled Russia into lowering the price for a nuclear-power station.(據(jù)稱,土還說服俄降低了一座核電站的報價。)
  • 6、We are near the Oskarshamn nuclearpower station in south-east Sweden.(我們現(xiàn)在在瑞典東南部的奧斯卡港核電站附近。)
  • 7、The Tofte experimentalpower station exploits this pressure.(托夫特的這個實驗電廠就利用了這種壓力。)
  • 8、That caused safety systems to malfunction, and transmission lines and then apower station to shut down.(結(jié)果造成安全系統(tǒng)失靈,而接下來傳輸線和整座發(fā)電站相繼停擺。)
  • 9、There are 30 million people in range of this nuclearpower station.(在核電站輻射范圍內(nèi)生活著3千萬民眾。)
  • 10、He conceived the idea of transforming the oldpower station into an arts centre.(他想出了一個把舊發(fā)電站改造為藝術(shù)中心的主意。)
  • 11、We’ve already written about the Kursk Nuclearpower station and about its structure and history.(我們已經(jīng)描述了有關(guān)庫爾斯克核電站的布局結(jié)構(gòu)和歷史。)
  • 12、One way to avoid this is to bring thepower station into the home, by installing domestic microgenerators.(其中一個避免方法是通過安裝家用小型發(fā)動機來把發(fā)電站搬進家中。)
  • 13、It was another three years before Edison's firstpower station opened, on Pearl Street in New York.(三年之后,愛迪生在紐約珍珠街的第一所發(fā)電站投入使用。)
  • 14、The nearby building of thepower station is 360 m long and 31 m wide.(發(fā)電站的附屬建筑長360米寬31米。)
  • 15、A new dam and hydroelectricpower station crawl towards completion.(一座新的水壩與水利電氣發(fā)電站正慢條不紊地接近竣工。)
  • 16、A: China has expounded its position on the Myitsonepower station project.(答:關(guān)于密松電站項目,中方已經(jīng)闡述了相關(guān)立場。)
  • 17、So many wind farms may eventually emit more carbon than an equivalent coal-firedpower station.(因此許多風(fēng)力發(fā)電廠最終的碳排放量可能高于同等產(chǎn)能的煤炭發(fā)電廠。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 18、Arrival of the first turbine for thepower station.(電站的第一臺渦輪到達。)
  • 19、Electricity will be supplied by a floating nuclearpower station.(浮動核電站將為城市提供電力。)
  • 20、The fire took place only 15 months after thepower station began commercial operations.(火災(zāi)在核電站開始商業(yè)運營僅僅15個月后爆發(fā)了。)
  • 21、That is about the same as a large coal-firedpower station.(這樣的發(fā)電功率成本,和大型的燃煤發(fā)電廠差不多。)
  • 22、And nowadays it is the world's biggestpower station working on the solid fuel.(目前它是世界上最大的還在使用固體燃料的發(fā)電廠。)
  • 23、Wind farms can generate an output equal to a large coal-firedpower station.(風(fēng)電場能產(chǎn)生相當于大型燃煤發(fā)電廠生產(chǎn)的能量。)
  • 24、Construction of thepower station started in 1956.(該水電站的建設(shè)開始于1956年。)
  • 25、We're thinking of putting up apower station here.(我們打算在這里搞個發(fā)電站。)
  • 26、It hit a tower at thepower station before the first flash of lightning.(它在第一次閃電之前擊中了發(fā)電站的一座塔。)
  • 27、The river is diverted through thepower station before discharging into the sea.(這條河改道經(jīng)水電站后流入大海。)

power station基本釋義

power station

英 [?pau? ?stei??n] 美 [?pa?? ?ste??n] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):power stations
發(fā)電站; 發(fā)電裝置,=power plant