
public opinion造句

public opinion造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:28:08


public opinion造句

  • 1、I am going to mobilisepublic opinion sufficiently to bring to the very top of the nation's conservation agenda the severely endangered species I have in mind.(我將充分調(diào)動(dòng)公眾輿論,把我心目中的嚴(yán)重瀕危物種置于國(guó)家保護(hù)議程的首位。)
  • 2、Instead, Southern slaveholders misconstrued abolitionist views of the 1830s as mainstream rather than marginal Northernpublic opinion, and castigated Northerners generally for opposing slavery.(相反,南方的奴隸主誤認(rèn)為9世紀(jì)30年代的廢奴主義觀點(diǎn)是主流,而不是北方邊緣的公眾意見,于是他們普遍譴責(zé)北方人反對(duì)奴隸制。)
  • 3、A recent poll suggests some surprising changes inpublic opinion.(最近的調(diào)查反映民意有了出人意表的變化。)
  • 4、The media has a powerful influence onpublic opinion.(傳媒對(duì)于輿論有很大的影響。)
  • 5、The President is out of tune withpublic opinion.(總統(tǒng)與公眾輿論大唱反調(diào)。)
  • 6、The measures shifted Britishpublic opinion further against the Mandate system.(這些措施使英國(guó)公眾進(jìn)一步反對(duì)托管制。)
  • 7、public opinion has polarized on this issue.(在這個(gè)問題上公眾意見已呈兩極化。)
  • 8、The advertisements were designed to whip uppublic opinion.(這些廣告是為了激起公眾的輿論。) hao86.com
  • 9、The issue has polarizedpublic opinion.(這個(gè)問題已使公眾意見兩極化。)
  • 10、Congress scores low inpublic opinion polls.(國(guó)會(huì)在民意測(cè)驗(yàn)中得分很低。)
  • 11、They misuse the power of newspapers to formpublic opinion in their favour to make a profit.(他們?yōu)E用報(bào)紙的力量來形成對(duì)他們有利的輿論,以謀取利益。)
  • 12、Then there ispublic opinion.(接下來,是公眾意見。)
  • 13、He mobilizedpublic opinion all over the world against hydrogen-bomb tests.(他動(dòng)員起世界各地的輿論,反對(duì)氫彈試驗(yàn)。)
  • 14、public opinion has turned.(公共輿論發(fā)生了轉(zhuǎn)變。)
  • 15、One way to gaugepublic opinion on the issue is to call a town meeting.(一個(gè)評(píng)估公眾對(duì)于該問題的意見的辦法是召集鎮(zhèn)民大會(huì)。)
  • 16、Newpublic opinion polls show the president's approval rating at its lowest point since he took office.(新的民意測(cè)驗(yàn)表明總統(tǒng)的支持率處在他就職以來的最低點(diǎn)。)
  • 17、Not allpublic opinion has fallen along racial lines.(并不是所有的公眾意見都與種族有關(guān)。)
  • 18、The article accurately reflectspublic opinion.(文章如實(shí)反映了公眾的意見。)
  • 19、The government was unsympathetic topublic opinion.(政府違背了民意。)
  • 20、public opinion is influenced by the small elite who control the media.(輿論為少數(shù)控制著新聞媒介的上層人士所左右。)
  • 21、There will probably be months of legal confrontation, and it is not at all clear which side will prevail in court, nor in the battle forpublic opinion and legislative favor.(可能會(huì)有幾個(gè)月的對(duì)薄公堂,人們根本不清楚哪一方會(huì)在法庭上獲勝,也不清楚哪一方會(huì)贏得公眾輿論和立法支持。)
  • 22、The government cannot afford to be indifferent topublic opinion.(政府不可不關(guān)注輿論。)
  • 23、I have never seen such a seismic shift inpublic opinion in such a short period of time.(我從來沒有見過公眾輿論在這么短的時(shí)間內(nèi)發(fā)生如此突然的轉(zhuǎn)變。)
  • 24、The aloof composer neither worried nor cared aboutpublic opinion.(這位超然的作曲家對(duì)輿論既不擔(dān)心,也不在意。)
  • 25、This has affectedpublic opinion.(這種說法影響了大眾的觀點(diǎn)。)
  • 26、public opinion appears divided.(輿論似乎出現(xiàn)分歧。)

public opinion基本釋義

public opinion

英 [?p?blik ??pinj?n] 美 [?p?bl?k ??p?nj?n] 
形容詞: public-opinion

名詞公眾意見; 輿論,民意
