
public relations造句

public relations造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:28:08


public relations造句

  • 1、public relations is part of business.(公共關(guān)系是現(xiàn)代商業(yè)的一部分。)
  • 2、According to Alan Stern, planetary scientist, the biggestpublic relations boost for the ISS may come from the privately funded space flight industry.(行星科學(xué)家艾倫·斯特恩認(rèn)為,國際空間站最大的公關(guān)推動力可能來自私人資助的太空飛行業(yè)。)
  • 3、The move was goodpublic relations.(這一舉措是很好的公關(guān)工作。)
  • 4、Some blame that on botchedpublic relations.(有人將此歸咎于搞砸了的公共關(guān)系。)
  • 5、Since my undergraduate degree will be inpublic relations, I've already decided to get a master's degree in marketing.(因為我的本科學(xué)位是公共關(guān)系,所以我已經(jīng)決定要獲得市場營銷的碩士學(xué)位。)
  • 6、She hated the flummery ofpublic relations.(她討厭公關(guān)工作中的虛夸恭維。)
  • 7、Webpublic relations (WPR) is another approach to promoting online.(網(wǎng)絡(luò)公共關(guān)系(WPR)是另外一種在線促銷模式。) hAo86.com
  • 8、You might think this is just goodpublic relations.(有人可能會想這不過是個不錯的的公關(guān)。)
  • 9、Marketing, promotion, andpublic relations.(推銷,促銷,公關(guān)關(guān)系。)
  • 10、There are few new tricks inpublic relations.(公關(guān)行業(yè)很少有新把戲。)
  • 11、A lot of students are taken aback by this, and somepublic relations consultants don't figure it out until they've worked in the field a while.(很多學(xué)生對此感到吃驚,一些公共關(guān)系顧問直到他們在這個領(lǐng)域工作了一段時間才明白。)
  • 12、public relations Specialist.(公共關(guān)系專家。)
  • 13、It is just apublic relations gimmick.(這只是一種公關(guān)花招。)
  • 14、They also need betterpublic relations skills than their predecessors, as the costs of even a minor slipup can be significant.(他們還需要比前任更好的公共關(guān)系技巧,因為即使是一個小小的失誤也可能帶來巨大的損失。)
  • 15、Both John and Sue joined the staff of a successfulpublic relations firm in New York during the same year.(同年,約翰和蘇都加入了紐約一家成功的公關(guān)公司。)
  • 16、Their clients say this is not justpublic relations.(他們的客戶則表示這已經(jīng)不僅僅是公共關(guān)系。)
  • 17、public relations is very important.(公共關(guān)系非常重要。)
  • 18、Why Use Social Media Forpublic relations?(為什么公關(guān)要使用社交媒體?)
  • 19、She works inpublic relations.(她從事公關(guān)工作。)
  • 20、public relations are a weak state's best 21st-century weapon.(公共關(guān)系是弱國21世紀(jì)最好的武器。)
  • 21、Extendance: Educationalpublic relations?(教育公共關(guān)系?)
  • 22、Sponsoring the local team is good forpublic relations.(贊助當(dāng)?shù)厍蜿犛欣诠碴P(guān)系。)
  • 23、Limiting casualties is important forpublic relations.(減少傷亡事故對公關(guān)形象很重要。)
  • 24、It's apublic relations office, a press office and a private office all in one.(那兒既是公關(guān)辦公室,也是新聞辦公室,又是私人辦公室:三位一體。)
  • 25、Mark Kessler,public relations.(馬克·凱斯勒公共關(guān)系部。)
  • 26、They will face apublic relations disaster.(他們將面臨公關(guān)災(zāi)難。)
  • 27、This isn't somepublic relations ploy.(這不是什么公共關(guān)系的陰謀。)
  • 28、Tom, thepublic relations (PR) writer.(公共關(guān)系(PR)撰稿人。)

public relations基本釋義

public relations

[?p?blik ri?lei??nz] 

名詞公關(guān); 與公眾的聯(lián)系