
primary concern造句

primary concern造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:28:35


primary concern造句

  • 1、But strict controls and transfer of pollutants to safe locations is aprimary concern.(但是對發(fā)電站嚴格的控制和把污染物運輸?shù)桨踩牡攸c是主要的關(guān)注點。)
  • 2、As a physician, that is not, and cannot be myprimary concern.(作為一名醫(yī)生,這不是,也不可能是我最關(guān)心的。)
  • 3、The government'sprimary concern is to reduce crime.(政府的頭等大事是減少犯罪。)
  • 4、This isn't especially efficient, but efficiency is not aprimary concern in our approach.(這并不十分有效,但效率不是我們方法中所首要考慮的。)
  • 5、Above all else, Israel'sprimary concern is security, and it will not accept any deal that cannot offer at least that much.(在所有問題中,以色列最關(guān)心的是安全問題,他們絕對不會接受任何不以安全做保證的協(xié)議。)
  • 6、Since the ChangKong-1 was originally designed as a target drone, the recovering was not aprimary concern in its design.(既然長空-1型本來被設(shè)計當作一種靶機,回收不是它的設(shè)計主要關(guān)心的方面。)
  • 7、For customers, reliability is still critically important to the network but it's no longer theprimary concern.(在對于顧客而言,網(wǎng)絡(luò)的信賴度是至關(guān)重要的,但已不再不當務之急。)
  • 8、And in any event, ourprimary concern is with the program of the texts as they stand before us: is there a symbolism operating here?(無論如何,我們主要關(guān)心的,是擺在我們眼前的,這些計劃大綱:存在象征主義嗎?)
  • 9、WHO'sprimary concern is to strengthen and support health systems in countries with less resources.(世衛(wèi)組織的首要關(guān)注是,加強和支持資源不足國家的衛(wèi)生系統(tǒng)。)
  • 10、The structure is often devised by business analysts whoseprimary concern is satisfying their business clients.(這個結(jié)構(gòu)通常由業(yè)務分析人員設(shè)計,分析人員主要考慮的是滿足其業(yè)務客戶的要求。)
  • 11、Rich Infrastructure, Pilot Function -- Here, theprimary concern is proving technology capability.(豐富的基礎(chǔ)架構(gòu),受限的功能--在這里,主要涉及的是驗證這些技術(shù)的功能。)
  • 12、Ourprimary concern is the quality and durability of these products.(我們主要關(guān)心這些商品的質(zhì)量和耐用性。)
  • 13、Ourprimary concern must be the children.(我們首先要關(guān)心的必須是兒童。)
  • 14、Ourprimary concern is leveraging local storage and Ajax to build a practical and useful application.(我們關(guān)注的主要問題是利用本地存儲和Ajax構(gòu)建一個實用的、有用的應用程序。)
  • 15、Hisprimary concern was the safety of the money hidden under the floor.(他最關(guān)心的是暗藏在地板下的錢的安全。)
  • 16、Theprimary concern of logistics operations is industrial package design.(而物流業(yè)務主要關(guān)注的是工業(yè)包裝設(shè)計。)
  • 17、Well, as a physician, that is not, and cannot be, myprimary concern.(好吧,作為一名醫(yī)生,這不是,并且不能,是我的主要關(guān)注。)
  • 18、Ourprimary concern is to provide the refugees with food and healthcare.(我們最主要的擔憂就是向難民提供食品和醫(yī)療援助。)
  • 19、Usually theprimary concern for security is securing the end user from external threats.(通常的安全主要關(guān)注的是確保最終用戶從外部威脅。)
  • 20、But I think that theprimary concern is, Peshawar is critical.(他說:“我認為,最主要的考慮是,白沙瓦是一個關(guān)鍵地區(qū)。”)
  • 21、Performance testing usually becomes aprimary concern after one of two things happens.(發(fā)生下列兩種情況之一時,性能測試就成為頭等大事。)
  • 22、People close to the company said theirprimary concern in writing the letter was the executive's safety.(公司內(nèi)部人士透露他們簽發(fā)信函的首要考慮是保證被捕主管的安全。) haO86.com
  • 23、Alexander'sprimary concern is with "morphogenesis", the growth of form over time, in nature and in human architecture.(亞歷山大最初關(guān)心自然和人類建筑中的“形態(tài)發(fā)生”,“形態(tài)發(fā)生”是指形態(tài)隨時間流逝而生長。)

primary concern基本釋義
