
presume on造句

presume on造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:28:37


presume on造句

  • 1、The present Mr. Rochester's mother was a Fairfax, and second cousin to my husband: but I neverpresume on the connection -- in fact, it is nothing to me;(現(xiàn)在這位羅切斯特的母親是費爾法克斯家的人,她的父親和我丈夫的父親是堂兄弟,但我從來沒有指望這層關(guān)系,其實這與我無關(guān)。)
  • 2、The purpose of this study is to explore the effects of genetic and environmental factors on the onset of AA and presume the possible genetic model of AA.(本文旨在研究遺傳因素及環(huán)境因素在斑禿發(fā)病過程中的作用以及探討斑禿可能的遺傳模式。)
  • 3、I presume you're here on business.(我想你是來這兒出差的吧。)
  • 4、Investors may reasonably presume that buying a CDS on European debt is an ineffective form of protection.(投資者有理由相信購買歐洲債券的CDS不能有效地保護資產(chǎn)。)
  • 5、We certainly need the money, but, on the other hand, I do't want to presume upon your generosity.(我們確實需要這筆錢,但另一方面,我不想過份依靠你慷慨解囊。) haO86.com
  • 6、Investors may reasonably presume that buying a CDS on European debt is an ineffective form of protection. That will make them less likely to buy European government bonds altogether.(投資者可能會合理的假設(shè):買歐洲債務(wù)的CDS已經(jīng)不是一個有效的保護形式,讓他們都去買歐洲債券,已經(jīng)是不太可能。)
  • 7、When people cannot rely on large companies to protect personal information, the only responsible approach is to presume breaches are inevitable and try to mitigate the damage.(當(dāng)人們無法依靠大企業(yè)來保護個人信息時,唯一負責(zé)任的辦法是假設(shè)數(shù)據(jù)被竊是不可避免的,然后嘗試緩解損害。)
  • 8、We would have topresume on the apartment staff for interviews. And I would personally preside over all of these interviews.(我們要利用公寓內(nèi)的工作人員,對他們進行面談,而我將親自主持所有這些面談。)
  • 9、To offer a man unsolicited advice is to presume that he doesn't know waht to do or that he can't do it on his own.(在男人看來,女人自作主張?zhí)岢龅慕ㄗh就是認(rèn)為他們不知道該做什么,不能憑獨自的力量獲取勝利。)
  • 10、Take care that you don'tpresume on my feelings.(注意不要濫用我的感情。)
  • 11、Meaning on the bottom is mud, then a layer of something they presume to be oil, and on top of that a two-inch thick goop that Asper calls "slime snot," possibly made up of oil and bacteria.(這條紋狀泥土底層是爛泥,其上一層科學(xué)家估計可能是原油。再往上(也就是最上面)是兩英尺厚的粘稠物,Asper稱其為——粘稠的鼻涕(譯者注:看起來很惡心啊,這科學(xué)家幽默感不好啊),這粘稠物極有可能是由原油和細菌組成的。)
  • 12、In fact if I can presume to give advice, I think the "Gaokao" needs even more reform to give more emphasis on communication skills.(其實,如果我可以冒昧建議的話,那我想高考需要進行更多改進,更多側(cè)重于交流的技巧。)
  • 13、There we breakfasted on orange juice and Mexican-style eggs, followed by several cups of coffee, all paid for (I presume) with Arts Council vouchers-not cash, in any case.(我們在那家飯店里用的早餐是橘子汁和墨西哥式雞蛋,最后喝幾杯咖啡,餐費由文藝?yán)硎聲牟途碇Ц?我估計)的——反正不是現(xiàn)金支付的。)
  • 14、No one said this explicily, but I presume there is a lot of de-normalization going on if you are avoiding joins.(雖然沒有人直說,但我想如果你要避免使用表連接,就會有很多去正規(guī)化工作。)
  • 15、You can no longer get on the London Tube and not see a Harry Potter book, and I presume the same is true on the Glasgow Metro or the Manchester trams, or the beaches of Ibiza or clubs of Ayia Napa.(而且我想,不管是在格拉斯哥的地鐵中還是曼徹斯特的電車上,伊比沙(地中海西部島嶼)的海灘上還是阿伊亞納帕(塞浦路斯度假勝地)的夜總會里,情形都會是一樣。)
  • 16、It is a great pleasure where one can indulge in it, ' said the young man, 'though there are not many houses that I shouldpresume on so far;(“來到可以盡享其樂的地方,真讓人高興,”那位年輕人說道,“盡管我現(xiàn)在還不敢指望有多少人家可去的。)
  • 17、I presume that your base chance to hit something is based on level difference and skill difference (weapon skill versus target defense skill).(我推測基礎(chǔ)命中率是基于等級差異和技能差異(武器技能對目標(biāo)的防御技能)。)
  • 18、We certainly need the money, but, on the other hand, I don't want to presume upon your generosity.(我們當(dāng)然需要那筆錢,但另一方面,我不想利用你的慷慨。)
  • 19、NEW university graduates across Japan start work on April 1st-in a job that some presume they will hold for life.(日本新一代的大學(xué)畢業(yè)生在四月一日正式踏入職業(yè)生涯,這份工作對一部分人來說是終身的。)
  • 20、You know, I presume, that it was on the Dark Lord's orders that I took up the post?(我猜你肯定知道,我是聽從黑魔王的吩咐才接受那個教職的吧?)
  • 21、We know the process will be messy, and we cannot presume to dictate the course of change in countries like Egypt, but we can — and will — insist on respect for the fundamental rights of all people.(我們知道,轉(zhuǎn)型的過程會帶著混亂。我們不能假設(shè)轉(zhuǎn)型的過程一定像埃及等國那樣,但我們能夠、也一定會堅持對人的基本權(quán)利的尊重。)
  • 22、We certainly need the money, but, on the other hand, I do not want to presume upon your generosity.(我們確實需要這筆錢,但另一方面,我不想過分依靠你慷慨解囊。)
  • 23、You must not presume too much on the reliability of such sources.(你不應(yīng)該過分指望這類消息來源的可靠性。)
  • 24、On principle, though, we presume that the young man should not face legal charges for anonymous comments left by others - no matter what those comments were.(但慣例上我們認(rèn)為,不管那些匿名留言是什么內(nèi)容,這位年輕人都不應(yīng)該為其所帶來的法律后果負責(zé)。)
  • 25、Also presume that it has registered the class on the instance of the parser.(再假設(shè)它已經(jīng)在語法分析器的實例上注冊了該類。)
  • 26、I would not have allowed him topresume on our hospitality if I had any idea of his motives!(如果我知道他的動機,我是不會容許他利用我們的好客!)
  • 27、The reasons that lead up to this role conflicts on investigator are mainly the pluralistic values of investigative, rational presume of investigative subject and the perfect expect of investigation.(導(dǎo)致偵查主體角色沖突的原因,主要是因為偵查價值的多元追求、偵查主體的理性假設(shè)和偵查完善主義的期待。)
  • 28、I should never presume to condole with Mr. Ralph; we're not on those terms.(我知道拉爾夫先生是不需要我的安慰的,我們沒有那種關(guān)系。)

presume on基本釋義

presume on

英 [pri?zju:m ?n] 美 [pr??zum ɑn] 
