
Let me see造句

Let me see造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:36:38


Let me see造句

  • 1、"Let me see him," said the young man.(“讓我看看他?!蹦贻p人說。)
  • 2、Let me see my next slide here.(讓我看看下一張幻燈片。)
  • 3、Tell us your trouble, andLet me see what I can do.(告訴我們你的麻煩,讓我看看我能做些什么。)
  • 4、Turn around,Let me see the back.(轉(zhuǎn)過來,讓我看看后面。)
  • 5、Let me see what I can do.(讓我看看我能做些什么。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 6、Let me see if you have my flower still?(讓我看看你是不是還留著我的花?)
  • 7、NowLet me see—where did he say he lived?(現(xiàn)在讓我想想—他說他住在哪里呢?)
  • 8、"Well," replied the Rat, "Let me see."(“嗯,”水鼠回答,“讓我想想?!?
  • 9、Let me see if I can fix it.(讓我看看能不能修好。)
  • 10、Let me think it over.;Let me see.(讓我想想看。)
  • 11、"Let me see father," Michael begged eagerly, and he took a good look.(“讓我看看爸爸?!边~克爾急切地懇求著,仔細(xì)地看了一眼。)
  • 12、“Get up andLet me see, ” I said.(“那站起來讓我看看啊?!蔽艺f。)
  • 13、PritheeLet me see my brother Arthur—he will know me; he will know me and console me.(請你讓我見見我的哥哥亞賽吧——他會認(rèn)得我的;他會認(rèn)得我的,還會安慰我。)
  • 14、Let me see, how about hot pot?(我想想,吃火鍋怎么樣?)
  • 15、Let me see your passport, please.(請讓我看下您的護(hù)照。)
  • 16、NowLet me see, can you tell me when you were born?(讓我看看,你能告訴我你是什么時(shí)候出生的嗎?)
  • 17、Let me see what on earth you can do.(讓我看看你究竟能做什么。)
  • 18、NowLet me see—how old is she now?(讓我想一想,她現(xiàn)在多大了呢?)
  • 19、Let me see, I need to find a handle that matches but that shouldn't take too long.(讓我看看,我需要找到一個匹配的手柄,但這不會花太長時(shí)間。)
  • 20、HeLet me see his mother's picture.(他讓我看他媽媽的照片。)
  • 21、Let me see my mistake, not the mistake of others.(請讓我看見自己的錯誤,而不是別人的錯誤。)
  • 22、"O Peter," she cried, "if she would only stand still andLet me see her!"(“啊,彼得,”她叫道,“她要是能站著不動,讓我看看她就好了!”)
  • 23、"I remember kisses," Slightly interposed quickly, "Let me see it."(“我記得吻,”斯萊特很快插話道,“讓我看看?!?
  • 24、B:Let me see... No problem.(我來看一下,沒問題。)
  • 25、Caroline was very much a prude. She wouldn'tLet me see her naked.(卡羅琳是個過于一本正經(jīng)的人。她不肯讓我看到她的裸體。)
  • 26、Will youLet me see your ears?(讓我看看你的耳朵好嗎?)
  • 27、At last she gave in and hesitatingly whispered: "Let me see it."(最后她讓步了,猶猶豫豫地小聲說:“讓我看看?!?
  • 28、Let me see: I'll give them a new pair of boots every Christmas.(讓我想想:我每年圣誕節(jié)都會送他們一雙新靴子。)
  • 29、Let me see—how IS it to be managed?(讓我想想——這該怎么辦?)

Let me see基本釋義
