
let slide造句

let slide造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:36:37


let slide造句

  • 1、But if the client still won't budge, then maybe you should just let it slide.(但是如果客戶仍不愿就此讓步,那么也許你只能聽其自然了。)
  • 2、Amid holiday travel planning, online shopping, and in-office good cheer, it's too easy to let the actual work slide until after the holidays.(在規(guī)劃假日旅行,在線購物,以及在職喜悅之中,這些太容易拖延實(shí)際的工作直到假期以后。)
  • 3、Let me see my next slide here.(讓我看看下一張幻燈片。)
  • 4、Let 'go to slide ladder.(我們?nèi)ネ婊荨?
  • 5、With things as such, we'll have to let things slide.(事到如今,我們也只好聽其自然了。)
  • 6、Dad put me up, let me continue to slide.(爸爸把我扶起來,讓我繼續(xù)滑。)
  • 7、She said, "Okay. You weren't good at direction when you were a kid, but I let you slide, seeing as your father was to blame.(她說:“好了,你小時(shí)候方向感不好,但我讓你慢慢走,我想這該怪你爸。)
  • 8、Tilt your head back and let the meat slide down your throat-hole.(把頭向后仰仰,讓肉從你的喉部滑下去。)
  • 9、You know, when this whole thing with Gizmodo happened, I got advice from people who said, 'You gotta just let it slide.(你知道,當(dāng)跟Gizmodo這整個(gè)事情發(fā)生的時(shí)候,有人忠告說,你得隨其自然。)
  • 10、You can happily combine child rearing and a career, if you are willing to let some things slide.(如果你不求事事完美,那么你還可以開開心心地一邊養(yǎng)孩子一邊干事業(yè)。)
  • 11、'you basically let the crystal fall on something, black or dark-colored, and then you have to pick it up with a toothpick or brush and put it on a glass slide,' Libbrecht said.('基本上就是讓晶體落在黑色或深色的背景上,然后用個(gè)牙簽或刷子把它弄到玻璃幻燈片上,'利波瑞特介紹說。)
  • 12、This is far too important an issue tolet slide.(這個(gè)問題太重要了,不能任其發(fā)展。)
  • 13、There Jean Valjean halted, let Marius slide to the ground, placed his back against the wall, and cast his eyes about him.(冉阿讓在這兒止了步,把馬呂斯輕輕地放在地上,他緊靠著墻并用目光四面掃視。)
  • 14、You believe that instead of trying to replace fossil fuels with other energy sources, we should let the system slide.(你相信不要試圖用其他能源來源取代化石燃料,我們應(yīng)該讓這個(gè)系統(tǒng)塌下去。)
  • 15、What a tragic disease this is! "Ho-hum, let it slide." I'll!(這是多么可悲的疾病??!)
  • 16、He let the fish slide down his neck.(它讓魚溜進(jìn)了自己的脖子。)
  • 17、To prepare for a smooth re-entry and a successful second semester, don't let school skills like reading, writing, and math slide completely during winter vacation.(為了能順利返校并迎來一個(gè)成功的新學(xué)期,請不要讓他們的學(xué)習(xí)技能,如閱讀、寫作和數(shù)學(xué)在寒假里丟個(gè)精光。)
  • 18、And I thought deeply about this, and I concluded the worst thing that could happen is if we change our core values and let it slide.(我對此深思了一番,最后我得出結(jié)論,可能發(fā)生的最壞的事情,就是一旦我們改變了自己的核心價(jià)值然后隨其自然。)
  • 19、If you are overburdened with extra tasks for the holidays, try to let some of your other responsibilities slide for a few weeks.(如果你已經(jīng)被假期前的額外工作弄得不勝其擾,那么就請你把可以暫緩的事情推遲幾個(gè)星期吧!)
  • 20、Many times I have let my happiness and well being today slide so that I can produce results that will benefit me in the future.(我大多數(shù)的時(shí)侯也生活在明天,總是期待著,瞄準(zhǔn)著我的目標(biāo)。有好多次,我都忽略了今天的歡樂時(shí)光和那些美好的東西,為的就是能夠在未來得到更有利于自身的結(jié)果。)
  • 21、Ho-hum, let it slide.(浩嗡嗡聲,讓它下滑。)
  • 22、I have here that same ladder, and now what I will do is I will set the angle alpha not exactly at the critical point but a little lower, so that when I let it go, we'll all see that it will slide.(這是一個(gè)梯子,現(xiàn)在我要,使得角度α,不是恰等于臨界點(diǎn),而是略小一些,所以當(dāng)我放手,我們會(huì)看到它下滑。)
  • 23、I walked round to Putley, and fortunately he was out, so I had a good excuse to let the banisters slide.(Carrie非常贊同這個(gè)建議。我去找Putley,幸運(yùn)地,他出去了,所以,我有了好借口任那個(gè)扶手過關(guān)了。)
  • 24、In the following months Spain, Portugal and Ireland too had to let their currencies slide.(在接下來的幾個(gè)月中,西班牙,葡萄牙和愛爾蘭也不得不下調(diào)利率。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 25、It also means you shouldn't let your health slide.(另一個(gè)意思是,你不該讓你的健康狀況下滑。)
  • 26、But if you can't afford surgery, these new apps let you 'suck in' your face with the subtle slide of a finger.(但如果你負(fù)擔(dān)不起整形手術(shù),那么這些新興的應(yīng)用軟件只需你動(dòng)動(dòng)手指就可以讓自己的臉部縮小,擁有精致的輪廓。)
  • 27、Don't let things slide.(不要任其自流。)
  • 28、What a tragic disease this is! "Ho-hum, let it slide."(打著哈欠說:“隨它去吧,我就隨波逐流吧。”這是多么可悲的疾病??!)

let slide基本釋義

let slide

英 [let slaid] 美 [l?t sla?d] 
