
letter of credit造句

letter of credit造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:36:36


letter of credit造句

  • 1、I want to cash the balance of a traveler'sletter of credit.(我要把旅行信用證的結(jié)余兌現(xiàn)。)
  • 2、We intimate to you that we have issued a commercialletter of credit.(我們已開出商業(yè)信用證,特此通知。)
  • 3、May I withdraw money against theletter of credit here?(這個(gè)信用證在這兒能取錢嗎?)
  • 4、When do I have to open theletter of credit?(順便問一句,您幾時(shí)開立信用證呢?)
  • 5、We pay byletter of credit.(我們用信用證付款。)
  • 6、Thisletter of credit is valid for negotiation in China until Oct.16,2004.(本信用證于2004年10月16日止在中國(guó)議付有效。)
  • 7、We must keep to the stipulations of the contract and theletter of credit.(但現(xiàn)在我們?cè)撛趺崔k呢?我們一定要遵守合約和信用證的規(guī)定。)
  • 8、Our terms of payment is confirmed and irrevocableletter of credit.(我們的付款條件是保兌的不可撤消的信用證。)
  • 9、The seller will request to amend theletter of credit.(賣方要求修改信用證。)
  • 10、Suchletter of credit shall be nonassignable.(該信用證不可轉(zhuǎn)讓。)
  • 11、I'd like to withdraw 100 RMB against thisletter of credit.(我想從這份信用證上提100塊錢。)
  • 12、All we've asked them to do is get us aletter of credit.(我們只是想要他們給我們信用證。)
  • 13、stowage plan and/or other documents called for in theletter of credit by(長(zhǎng)或大副收據(jù)、裝船命令、貨物配載圖及或買方在信用證內(nèi)所要求提供的其它單據(jù)副本各一)
  • 14、Provideletter of credit (L/C) service and guarantee;(提供信用證服務(wù)及擔(dān)保;)
  • 15、I agree to useletter of credit at sight.(我同意用即期信用證付款。)
  • 16、We only accept payment by confirmed irrevocableletter of credit.(我們只接受保兌的不可撤銷的信用證付款。)
  • 17、You'll need to open a confirmed and irrevocableletter of credit.(你們需要開立一個(gè)保兌的、不可撤消的信用證。)
  • 18、The project is being backed by aletter of credit from Lasalle Bank.(這個(gè)項(xiàng)目有拉薩爾銀行的信用狀支持。)
  • 19、It is due to your delayed opening of the relativeletter of credit.(因?yàn)槟銈兊男庞米C開得太遲。)
  • 20、Ourletter of credit will be opened early September.(我們?cè)诰旁鲁蹰_立信用證。)
  • 21、It Is an irrevocableletter of credit which can not be changed.(這是一份不可撤消信用證、是不能更改的。)
  • 22、Don't you think aletter of credit is just as good as cash?(您不認(rèn)為信用證跟現(xiàn)金差不多嗎?) Hao86.com
  • 23、The bank has made out an irrevocableletter of credit.(銀行開出了不可撤銷的信用證[狀]。)

letter of credit基本釋義

letter of credit

英 [?let? ?v ?kredit] 美 [?l?t? ?v ?kr?d?t] 
名詞復(fù)數(shù): lettersofcredit
