
life vest造句

life vest造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:36:30


life vest造句

  • 1、There was only onelife vest among the three of us, and it was given to me. I stood there in the doorway screaming.(那時我們只有一件救生衣,李行夫、曾昭正把它給了我,我站在門框處邊上哭叫。)
  • 2、If there is an emergency, please put on thelife vest under your seat, oxygen masks will come down automatically.(如果有緊急情況,請穿在你的座位底下的救生衣,氧氣罩會自動降下。)
  • 3、Yourlife vest is under your seat.(救生衣在您的座位下面。)
  • 4、Please Buy thislife vest, which is the closest, smoothest, safest and most comfortaBle one.(你想作遠(yuǎn)距離游泳嗎?請君速購這種最貼切,最順滑,最安全,最舒適的救生游泳裝。)
  • 5、Even with the others holding him up, Guy was exhausted from treading water for 18 hours without alife vest.(蓋伊雖然有大家扶著,但畢竟在沒有救生衣的情況下踩水18個小時,渾身早已精疲力盡。)
  • 6、We'll just get her a littlelife vest.(我們將給她穿件小的救生衣。)
  • 7、But stay with the rafts; they will be spotted more easily by rescue workers than a single person floating in alife vest.(但是一定要和救生艇在一起,它們將比一個浮在救生背心中的人更容易被救生員發(fā)現(xiàn)。)
  • 8、If you plan to spend a lot of time on ships, learn to swim and always wear alife vest.(如果你計劃在船上呆很長時間,就要學(xué)會游泳并經(jīng)常穿著救生衣。)
  • 9、There is alife vest under your seat for water emergencies.(有一件救生衣在自己的座位上水的緊急情況下。)
  • 10、Upon leaving the aircraft, inflate yourlife vest by pulling down on the two red tabs. But do not inflate it while you are in the cabin.(當(dāng)您離開飛機時,拉動救生衣兩側(cè)的紅色充氣把手,但在客艙內(nèi)不要充氣。)
  • 11、Give three long blasts on a police whistle while waving a paddle, helmet orlife vest over your head.(吹三聲長且響的警報哨聲的同時,在頭頂上揮動短漿,頭盔或者救生衣。)
  • 12、Don't inflate thelife vest in the cabin and as soon as you leave the aircraft, inflate it by pulling down the red TAB.(請不要在客艙內(nèi)將救生衣充氣!一離開飛機立即拉下小紅頭充氣。)
  • 13、Under your seat there is alife vest like this one for each of you.(您的座位下有一件救生衣,在發(fā)生水上緊急情況時使用。)
  • 14、Under its seats, there is alife vest for emergencies.(在每一個座位下面,都有一件救生衣以備緊急情況。)
  • 15、You do not understand how to use alife vest.(你不了解如何使用救生衣。)
  • 16、It's easier to swim with alife vest.(穿上救生衣游起來容易一些。) Hao86.com
  • 17、Yourlife vest is located under your seat.(救生衣在您的座椅下面。)
  • 18、Excuse me, Sir. May I remind you that passengers are not allowed to remove emergency equipment by themselves. Please put back thelife vest.(對不起,先生。我提醒您,旅客們不允許私自移動緊急設(shè)備。請將救生衣放回原處。)
  • 19、Besides, I can wear alife vest.(此外,我還可以穿救生衣。)
  • 20、A sign on each seat kindly asks the passenger to refrain from stealing thelife vest.(每個座位前都有提示,懇請乘客不要把救生衣偷走。)
  • 21、Totally Crazy!, but there's not much you can do, you have to put on yourlife vest and start swimming.(完全瘋了!,但是有沒有太大的你可以做的,你必須放在您的生活背心,并開始游泳。)
  • 22、In a water evacuation, don't inflate yourlife vest until you're out the door, in the water and tired of swimming.(在水中疏散,在你出去前不要給你的救生衣充氣。)
  • 23、A whistle is best carried on a lanyard attached to yourlife vest.(口哨最好帶上并綁在救生衣上。)
  • 24、If yourlife vest is not inflated enough, you can also inflate it by blowing into the mouth pieces.(充氣不足時,可將救生衣上部人工充氣管拉出,用嘴向里充氣。)
  • 25、Thelife vest hang behind every seat, and special belts with shoulder straps keep us as snug as toddlers in car seats.(救生背心掛在每一個座位后面,特質(zhì)的肩帶可以保證我們像坐在汽車座椅里的幼兒一樣舒適。)

life vest基本釋義

life vest

[la?f v?st] 
