lawn mower造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:36:57


lawn mower造句

  • 1、I'm returning yourlawn mower, your rake, your hedge shears and your hose.(我來還你的割草機(jī),你的耙子、樹籬剪刀,還有你的水龍帶。)
  • 2、Cut the grass. Whip out thelawn mower and trim the grass.(剪草坪找出割草機(jī)修剪草坪。)
  • 3、Thelawn mower, which is broken, is in the garage. (Adds a fact about the only mower in question.)(割草機(jī)壞了,在車庫(kù)里。(只有一部割草機(jī))。)
  • 4、The spare cellphone(s) in the kitchen drawer. The second, unusedlawn mower. The designer vase you never use.(廚房抽屜里多余的手機(jī)。沒有用過的備用割草機(jī)。你從來不用的設(shè)計(jì)師花瓶。)
  • 5、I bough this usedlawn mower dirt cheap.(我以極低的價(jià)格買下這部除草機(jī)。)
  • 6、Last spring my wife suggested that I call in a man to look at ourlawn mower.(今年春天,妻子讓我請(qǐng)人檢查一下我家的割草機(jī)。)
  • 7、When thatlawn mower cuts off your toes, don't come running to me.(當(dāng)割草機(jī)切下你的腳趾頭的時(shí)候,你別跑來找我。)
  • 8、It's advisable to use alawn mower instead of scissors to cut his manes.(聰明點(diǎn)還是用鋤草機(jī)剪他這一頭鬃毛吧,別用剪刀了。)
  • 9、However, it is necessary that you have information about yourlawn mower such as the model and brand.(不過,這是必要的,你的資料,您的草坪割草機(jī)等模型和品牌。)
  • 10、Hank was envious of his neighbour's fancy newlawn mower.(漢克羨慕鄰居高檔別致的新割草機(jī)。)
  • 11、Unable to start thelawn mower, he rushes toward his father for help.(他沒法開動(dòng)割草機(jī),跑去找他父親幫忙。)
  • 12、The gardener asked me for a rotarylawn mower.(園丁向我要一臺(tái)旋轉(zhuǎn)式割草機(jī)。)
  • 13、Actually, we could use a newlawn mower. And maybe a grill for the backyard.(實(shí)際上,我們可能要一臺(tái)新的割草機(jī)。還有。后院得配一個(gè)烤架。)
  • 14、It is important no to be cheap when it comes to yourlawn mower parts.(這是很重要的不便宜,當(dāng)談到您的草坪割草機(jī)部分。)
  • 15、Thislawn mower is driven by a small electric motor.(這割草機(jī)是由一臺(tái)小型電動(dòng)機(jī)驅(qū)動(dòng)的。)
  • 16、Thelawn mower is an electric.(割草機(jī)是電動(dòng)的機(jī)器。)
  • 17、The neighbors borrowed mylawn mower.(鄰居們借用我的除草機(jī)。)
  • 18、A roboticlawn mower will run over a neighbor's cat.(一臺(tái)自動(dòng)割草機(jī)會(huì)碾過鄰居的貓。)
  • 19、May I borrow yourlawn mower?(我可以借用你的割草機(jī)嗎?)
  • 20、Because his beard is so thick, instead of using a rotarylawn mower he should use a pushlawn mower.(由于他的胡子濃密,比起使用除草機(jī),他更適用推草機(jī)。)
  • 21、"I'm going to try out thelawn mower," said Mom.(“我打算試試這個(gè)割草機(jī)?!眿寢屨f。)
  • 22、"Can't we dig it out?" I asked after I hit it full speed with thelawn mower, breaking the blade.(“我們不能把它挖出來嗎?”當(dāng)我在石頭上撞斷了全速運(yùn)轉(zhuǎn)的割草機(jī)的刀片后,我問道。)
  • 23、Keep one ready and fully inflated for use during flat tire on thelawn mower.(保持一個(gè)隨時(shí)準(zhǔn)備和充分膨脹期間使用的單位,輪胎就草坪割草機(jī)。)

lawn mower基本釋義

lawn mower

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