
learn by heart造句

learn by heart造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:36:50


learn by heart造句

  • 1、We should learn this lesson by heart.(我們應(yīng)當(dāng)記住這一教訓(xùn)。)
  • 2、Never just memorize single words.learn by heart the whole sentences and the phrases that contain the new words so we may know how to use the words.(請(qǐng)不要孤立地背單詞(課文)。請(qǐng)背記包含生詞的句子或詞組,這樣我們才真正能運(yùn)用這些詞匯,而且印象更深。)
  • 3、It 's very difficult for the children to learn the poem by heart.(對(duì)孩子們來說背誦那首詩(shī)很困難。)
  • 4、Touched by the stories behind these excellent enterprise and successful people, one should read andlearn by heart from their steeled and struggled spirits that lead to success.(感觸這些優(yōu)秀企業(yè)、成功人物背后的故事,用心去讀懂他們,看他們?nèi)绾伟贌挸射摗?
  • 5、The text is too long for us tolearn by heart.(這篇課文太長(zhǎng)了,以致我們不能夠記住。)
  • 6、If we maylearn by heart new words by listening some word tapes, the results.(在背記生詞時(shí),如果能聽詞匯磁帶,好處。)
  • 7、Never just memorize single English words.learn by heart the whole sentences and the phrases that contain the new words so we may know how to use the words.(請(qǐng)不要孤立地背英語單詞。請(qǐng)背記包孕生詞的句子或詞組,如許咱們才真正能應(yīng)用這些辭匯,而且印象更深。)
  • 8、He put a tick beside each word in the glossary that he havelearn by heart.(他在詞表中每一個(gè)已熟記的生詞旁做個(gè)記號(hào)。)
  • 9、Can you learn all these new words by heart in an hour?(你能在一小時(shí)之內(nèi)記住所有這些單詞嗎?)
  • 10、Li Xin likes to learn words by heart.(李信喜歡背單詞。)
  • 11、The teacher asked us tolearn by heart as many excellent poems as possible.(老師要求我們盡量多背些美妙的詩(shī)歌。)
  • 12、What troubles me most is that I can't learn all these English idioms by heart.(最困擾我的是我無法背誦出所有這些英語慣用語。)
  • 13、Never just memorize single English words.learn by heart the whole sentences and the phrases that contain the new words so they may know how to use the words.(請(qǐng)不要孤立地背英語單詞。請(qǐng)背記包含生詞的句子或詞組,這樣他們才真正能運(yùn)用這些詞匯,而且印象更深。)
  • 14、I have to learn so many English words by heart. It is rather awful. I have a bad memory.(我要用心記憶很多英文單詞。對(duì)于我這樣一個(gè)壞記性的人來講,是相當(dāng)可怕的。)
  • 15、I like objective tests. You justlearn by heart the facts, the dates and names.(觀題型考試。你只需背出事實(shí),時(shí)間和名字即可。)
  • 16、Only when you understand this kind of knowledge, can you learn it by heart.(只有當(dāng)你理解領(lǐng)會(huì)了這種知識(shí),才能把它記住。)
  • 17、The birds did not understand Snowball's long words, but they accepted his explanation, and all the humbler animals set to work to learn the new maxim by heart.(鳥類聽不懂斯諾鮑的長(zhǎng)篇大論,但他們接受了他的解釋,所有笨一點(diǎn)的動(dòng)物都開始著手熟記這條新法則。)
  • 18、Some students think that they can learn English well if they remember the grammer rules, andlearn by heart long lists of words.(一些學(xué)生以為假如他們專心記住語法書的條文和背熟詞匯表就可以學(xué)好英語。)
  • 19、One night, the gaoler decided to play a joke on his colleague to find out if, after so many performances, he had managed to learn the contents of the letter by heart.(一天晚上,獄卒決定與他的同事開一個(gè)玩笑,看看他反復(fù)演出這么多場(chǎng)之后,是否已將信的內(nèi)容記熟了。)
  • 20、learn by heart the whole sentences and the phrases that contain the new words so we may know how to use the words.(請(qǐng)背記包含生詞的句子或詞組,這樣我們才真正能運(yùn)用這些詞匯,而且印象更深。)
  • 21、The teacher asked us to learn the poem by heart.(老師讓我們背誦那首詩(shī)。)
  • 22、Never just memorize single English words.learn by heart the whole sentences and the phrases that contain the new words so we may know how to use the words.(請(qǐng)不要孤立地背英語單詞。請(qǐng)背記包含生詞的句子或詞組,這樣我們才真正能運(yùn)用這些詞匯,而且印象更深。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 23、Kite tiles are lonely, no wind round, and very low,learn by heart the whole show haggard look pitiful.(還有寂寞的瓦片風(fēng)箏,沒有風(fēng)輪,又放得很低,伶仃地顯出憔悴可憐模樣。)
  • 24、Learn the new words by heart. Be sure to remember their spelling, pronunciation and meaning.(用心學(xué)這些單詞,確保記住它們的拼寫,發(fā)音和含義。)
  • 25、All children were required to learn the Green Book, and some could recite passages by heart.(全國(guó)所有孩子都被要求學(xué)習(xí)綠皮書,有些章節(jié)甚至需要身心投入地背誦下來。)

learn by heart基本釋義

learn by heart

英 [l?:n bai hɑ:t] 美 [l?n ba? hɑrt] 
記??; 背誦