
lead a life造句

lead a life造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:36:54


lead a life造句

  • 1、She has tried to lead a good life.(她努力規(guī)規(guī)矩矩地生活。)
  • 2、Whatever the reason, if you don't know who you are, at your core, and what you stand for and care about, how can youlead a life that aligns with your needs, values and interests?(不管什么原因,如果你不知道內(nèi)心深處你到底是誰、支持什么、關(guān)心什么,你又如何能安排你的生活符合你的需要、價值和興趣呢?)
  • 3、It seems that somehow, a traumatic event can unlock our ability tolead a life with fewer regrets.(看起來在某種程度上,一次精神重創(chuàng)能開啟我們的能力,去成就一個遺憾相對少些的人生。)
  • 4、You can choose the kind of life you’re going to lead. If you want tolead a life totally away from God.(你可以選擇自已希望的生活方式。) hAo86.com
  • 5、So, when youlead a life, a particular kind of life, your clothes, your everything has to fit into that life if you are to be efficient.(所以,當(dāng)你引領(lǐng)一種生活,一種特定的生活,你的服飾,你所有的一切都不得不適應(yīng)那種生活如果你想生活的有效率的話。)
  • 6、He worked hard life, well-being in old age does notlead a life.(他辛苦了一輩子,到晚年還不能過上安康的生活。)
  • 7、Below are three lessons I have learned that have allowed me tolead a life of tranquility.(下面是我學(xué)到的過平靜生活的三個經(jīng)驗。)
  • 8、Tolead a life of undiscovered sin!(過一種永遠無法揭開的罪孽的生活。)
  • 9、I mean from henceforth tolead a life of extreme seclusion.(我決定從今天起將過一種完全與世隔絕的生活。)
  • 10、Another said Madoff had "cheated so he couldlead a life of luxury"; another still said Madoff had "discarded her like roadkill" and that she was now living on food stamps.(另一個人說,麥道夫曾經(jīng)“欺騙他他可以讓他過上奢華的生活”;另一位受害者說麥道夫“像路邊死動物一樣拋棄了她”,而她現(xiàn)在只能靠食品救濟生活。)
  • 11、She vowed tolead a life of continence.(她發(fā)誓要領(lǐng)導(dǎo)一個生活的節(jié)制。)
  • 12、Author's note: This post begins the rough draft of the third chapter of my book in progress, Going Mild: 7 Ways tolead a life of Quiet Inspiration.(作者手記:本帖始于我正在撰寫的拙著《放緩速度:從容、恬靜生活的7種方法》第三章的草稿。)
  • 13、That wretched woman mustlead a life of terror.(那可憐的女人的日子一定過得夠嗆。)
  • 14、All of us wonder what the future holds in store for us. We each have our own fancies and hopes that perhaps we'll be rich orlead a life full of happiness.(對于前途我們每個人都充滿著疑惑。每個人都在幻想在期待也許有那么一天我們富裕了,過上了一個幸福的生活。)
  • 15、In all things seek God's will. Submit to his will in all ways.lead a life of fearing God in this world.(凡事尋求神的旨意---并遵行神的旨意,在世上過著敬畏神的生活。)
  • 16、When one loses the ability to love, there's no difference for how tolead a life.(而失去了愛的能力,一生這樣過,或者那樣過,又有什么不同?。)
  • 17、Animals have their own right tolead a life as they like.(動物有按照自己喜歡的方式生活的權(quán)利。)
  • 18、Her early widowhood condemned her tolead a life of hardship.(她的早寡注定了她要過困苦的生活。)
  • 19、They all use the life by the long-term judgment to consider that, theylead a life of comfort all only are in are seeking the comfort for own body most adaptation request.(他們把生活都用以長遠的眼光考慮,他們的享樂都只是在為著自己身體的最適應(yīng)的要求尋找安慰。)
  • 20、Since then, the camel developed a home here, andlead a life of affluence.(從此,駱駝就在這里安了家,過上了豐衣足食的生活。)
  • 21、Yes, they had forced him to it at last: he wouldlead a life of crime.(是的,他們終于逼他這么做了:他要過犯罪的生活。)
  • 22、You canlead a life of undisturbed peace ever afterwards.(你今后能安安靜靜地過日子,無人登門打擾。)
  • 23、Tolead a life of quiet inspiration, the only thing you should be doing is taking ownership, and that means ridding yourself of a lot of unnecessary rules.(要想過安靜靈性的生活,你唯一要做的是擁有主權(quán),就是說要去除很多不需要的準(zhǔn)則。)

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