
leaf through造句

leaf through造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:36:53


leaf through造句

  • 1、I abandon the bright, orderly kitchen table and kick back on the couch. With the TV babbling, a snack in hand and my feet on the coffee table, Ileaf through the Study Guide lackadaisically.(我放棄了明亮整潔的廚房桌子,改在沙發(fā)上復(fù)習(xí),開著電視,吃著點心,把腳放在茶幾上,有一搭沒一搭地翻著那本《學(xué)習(xí)指南》。)
  • 2、The illustration shows a section through a leaf.(圖中所示為葉的剖面。)
  • 3、Chinese Yew and Mairei Yew can be easily differentiated from Yunnan Yew through the texture of its leaf.(中國紅豆杉和美麗紅豆杉可以通過葉子的質(zhì)地與云南紅豆杉區(qū)分開。)
  • 4、Pure gold can be rolled and hammered to gold leaf, so thin that light can be transmitted through it, or drawn down to a fine point because it has extremely high ductility.(由于純金的很強(qiáng)的延展性它可以被磙子壓,錘子砸變成金葉子,可以薄到光線可以穿過的地步,或者從小孔里流下來。) hao86.com
  • 5、Major factors of the pear iron chlorosis were determined through soil testing and leaf analysis.(通過對酥梨缺鐵黃化癥的土壤分析、葉片分析來確定誘發(fā)黃化的主要因素。)
  • 6、EXAMPLE: I only had time toleaf through the recent report before I left my office, but it looked significant and I will study it more carefully tomorrow.(我下班后才有時間看看最近的報告,但它看來很重要,我明天會認(rèn)真研究一下。)
  • 7、Whenever you make some money,leaf through your diary and ask whether you could have done any past trades differently in light of what you have just learned.(當(dāng)你賺錢的時候,你要通過日記總結(jié),并問自己,如果是現(xiàn)在你會如何操作過去的交易。)
  • 8、In front of the padded chairs were slippers for customers to wear. There was also daily paper toleaf through.(軟椅前有供客人臨時穿著的拖鞋,還有當(dāng)日的報紙可以隨便翻翻。)
  • 9、A study of Central American leaf-cutter ants has shown that the younger and more vigorous members of the colony are given the toughest job of cutting through the leaves they harvest.(俄勒岡大學(xué)和俄勒岡州立大學(xué)的研究人員對中美洲的切葉蟻進(jìn)行了研究,他們發(fā)現(xiàn),蟻群中的年輕和精力充沛的成員被委派去做最艱難的工作——將蟻群收集起來的葉片切成碎片。這些身強(qiáng)力壯的切葉蟻用它們銳利的牙齒做起這種工作來很有效率,但是隨著年齡的增長,它們的牙齒也會變得破舊而遲鈍。)
  • 10、Through cuttage of axillary buds and leaf tissue culture, numerous regenerated plantlets had been produced and were transplanted in the field.(對取自煙草變異株的腋芽進(jìn)行扦插和葉片組織培養(yǎng),均已成功地獲得再生植株。)
  • 11、We cannotleaf through documents without permission, even if the documents are just lying on the table, let alone plagiarize them, " Wen said."(即使文件正放在桌子上,不經(jīng)過允許也不能隨意翻閱,更不用說抄襲了。)
  • 12、For some books are not for you toleaf through and dip into, but for you to think through.(有的書不是讓你蜻蜓點水一樣來讀的,而是需要你的思考的。)
  • 13、The insect, also known as the tomato leaf miner, devastates crops by feeding on fruits and digging into and moving through stalks.(這種昆蟲,也被稱為番茄葉蟲,通過以水果為食和在莖里挖掘與移動而破壞農(nóng)作物。)
  • 14、When friends come to stay, they will never be without a new book toleaf through.(當(dāng)朋友來家里的時候,他們永遠(yuǎn)會有新書可以看。)
  • 15、We wish we could pass the idea of "low carbon life" to every student and teacher in Maple Leaf School through our efforts.(希望通過我們的點滴努力,把“低碳生活”的理念傳遞給楓葉國際學(xué)校的每一位師生。)
  • 16、Real scientists, after all, do notleaf through Newton's "Principia Mathematica" to solve contemporary problems in physics.(畢竟,真正的科學(xué)家不可能翻翻牛頓的“數(shù)學(xué)原理”,就將當(dāng)代物理難題一一解決。)
  • 17、Handy: : Make turning pages easier by getting a thin rubber band and wrapping it around the index finger toleaf through books, papers and notepads with ease.(便利:翻閱書籍、報紙以及記事本的時候,在食指上繞上一圈薄薄的橡皮筋可以使翻頁變得更容易。)
  • 18、Youleaf through the hangers in your closet in search of something that might suggest competence, professionalism, a sense of purpose.(你翻看你衣櫥里衣架上的東西,搜索可能暗示你有能力,有敬業(yè)精神,有使命感的服裝。)
  • 19、leaf through the financial magazines at this time of year and they are full of predictions.(翻閱此時的財經(jīng)雜志,雜志上全是預(yù)言。)
  • 20、With them we needn't bother toleaf through the heavy dictionaries.(有了他們,我們不必費(fèi)心翻開沉重的字典。)
  • 21、Through the typical sample survey, I have ascertained the output of bow leaf of oak tree seed.(通過典型抽樣調(diào)查,查明甘肅林區(qū)主要建群樹種橡樹的籽殼碗葉的產(chǎn)量;)
  • 22、Shaking a little, Karp began toleaf through a copy of the binder the museum had sent Blum, which I had brought to the gallery.(震驚之余,卡普開始翻看我?guī)淼牟┪镳^寄給勃魯姆的花名冊副本?!疤炷模 ?
  • 23、The village band. Most of villagers play one or more instruments. They can even play tunes blown through a tree leaf.(村里的樂隊,很多人都會一種或多種樂器。樹葉吹出來的聲音在那種場合也非常好聽。)
  • 24、Flows can be rerouted through the network in response to local pressures in the environment, such as different evaporation rates in different parts of a leaf.(流動的路徑可以對當(dāng)?shù)丨h(huán)境壓力作出反應(yīng)并改變,例如葉片不同部分蒸發(fā)率不同。)

leaf through基本釋義

leaf through

英 [li:f θru:] 美 [lif θru] 

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