
live it up造句

live it up造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:36:11


live it up造句

  • 1、Could you tune it up to live a better life right now?(你能調(diào)整信念讓你更上過好的生活嗎?)
  • 2、If you live in a place where it brings air up from the south, you get warm weather.(如果你居住的地區(qū)有南上氣流經(jīng)過,那么天氣將會(huì)變暖。)
  • 3、“She said she learned that if you want tolive it up later, you can’t reallylive it up now, ” she said.(“她說她明白了如果你想要以后生活得好,現(xiàn)在你就不能貪圖享受?!碧K珊如是說。)
  • 4、How would it be to live up here in continual sunshine?(住在充滿陽光的地方怎么樣?)
  • 5、I have decided to take a two-week holiday andlive it up in a tropical resort.(我已經(jīng)決定去度兩個(gè)禮拜的假,在一個(gè)熱帶的度假區(qū)盡情享受。)
  • 6、Let's go to Europe for two weeks andlive it up.(咱們到歐洲去兩個(gè)星期,好好享受一番。)
  • 7、However, he admitted that even if the international community did reach a deal at Copenhagen, it might not live up to what scientists say is needed to prevent the worst consequences of global warming.(不過,他承認(rèn),即使國(guó)際社會(huì)在哥本哈根氣候峰會(huì)達(dá)成協(xié)議,也可能不足以達(dá)標(biāo)——科學(xué)家認(rèn)為為防止全球變暖最嚴(yán)重后果所需的減排力度。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com】
  • 8、Oh, does it really live way up there?(哦,它真的住在那么高的地方嗎?)
  • 9、It's your birthday, so let'slive it up!(今天是你的生日,讓我們狂歡一場(chǎng)。)
  • 10、For example, by accessing an MS Excel file from a storage device (SD card), Chrome OS will access MS Windows Live to open it up, if that's the online application configured to process such files.(舉個(gè)例子,要想訪問某個(gè)存儲(chǔ)設(shè)備(SD卡)上的MSExcel文件,ChromeOS將使用MSWindowsLive來打開它(假如之前已經(jīng)配置好用該在線應(yīng)用打開這類文件)。)
  • 11、You are a Twit. Youlive it up in style and love it.(你活出了自我并且喜歡這樣的生活。)
  • 12、It is vital that once an institution claims to be particularly good at something, it must live up to it.(至關(guān)重要的是,一旦一家機(jī)構(gòu)聲稱自己在某方面特別擅長(zhǎng),它就必須做到這一點(diǎn)。)
  • 13、You got tolive it up while you were in college.(你在大學(xué)里過的都是逍遙日子。)
  • 14、On the one hand teacher myself tolive it up.(一方面教師自己要活起來。)
  • 15、There is no reason why you couldn'tlive it up once in a while.(沒有理由不讓你偶爾盡情玩樂一下的。)
  • 16、I don't think that any statement like this can ever be perfect, nor will we perfectly live up to it.(我不認(rèn)為任何像這樣的聲明會(huì)是完美的,我們也不會(huì)完美地實(shí)現(xiàn)它。)
  • 17、Now you've been left some money you can afford tolive it up a bit.(既然留有這些錢你就可以爽快享用一番了。)
  • 18、While the technology remains in limited use for now, advertising industry analysts say it is finally beginning to live up to its promise.(盡管該技術(shù)目前仍處于有限的應(yīng)用當(dāng)中,但廣告業(yè)的分析人士認(rèn)為它最終將會(huì)達(dá)到預(yù)期的目標(biāo)。)
  • 19、Not that it is possible to live with children any more than with grown-up people without imposing rules of conduct on them.(如果不把行為規(guī)范強(qiáng)加于孩子身上的話,那么大人同孩子們生活在一起則是不可能的。)
  • 20、She found it hard to live up to his high ideals.(她覺得很難達(dá)到他的高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)要求。)
  • 21、We don't spend much money, but once or twice a month we reallylive it up.(我們并不花費(fèi)許多錢,可是我們一個(gè)月有一兩次的確過著享樂的生活。)
  • 22、He may, for example, simply take the gold or cash out of the vault andlive it up, spending money on mansions or yachts.(他可以,比如,僅僅從金庫里取出黃金或現(xiàn)金,把這些錢用來買莊園或游艇,好好享受一下。)
  • 23、live it up, Single Neely!(好好生活吧,單身的妮莉!)

live it up基本釋義

live it up

英 [liv it ?p] 美 [liv ?t ?p] 
