
live through造句

live through造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:36:10


live through造句

  • 1、Welive through these folks so we don't have to live that way ourselves.(我們通過劇中的人物來感受某種生活,這樣一來,我們就不必親身體驗了。)
  • 2、Awaiting the birth of their son, theylive through the creation and infancy of Israel.(他們等待兒子出生的時侯,以色列正處在剛剛成立的起步階段。)
  • 3、Since I live in you, let Me alsolive through you, shining My Light into the darkness.(你的身體是我要居住的地方,也希望能在你的生命中彰顯我,讓我的光照亮一切的黑暗。)
  • 4、What he was really saying was here is a list of behaviors that got me last place I was at, I don't want tolive through that again.(他其實是想說,有一系列的行為發(fā)生在,上一個公司,我不想再經(jīng)歷這些了。)
  • 5、Shanghai will set up temporary cold shelters this winter and next spring for homeless people tolive through winter, local media reported.(據(jù)當(dāng)?shù)孛襟w報道,今冬明春上海將設(shè)立臨時避寒場所,讓流浪乞討等街頭生活無著人員安全過冬。)
  • 6、Not for a day did shelive through her children or grandchildren, she barely registered their exam results or their own sporting achievements.(她沒和子女或?qū)O子女共同生活過一天,她幾乎沒有問過他們的考試成績或他們自己的體育成就。)
  • 7、Her call was part of a telephone course about how tolive through it all.(她的電話會談是某電話課程的一個組成部分,該課程旨在交流有關(guān)如何渡過后石油時代的想法。)
  • 8、I think it is really remarkable and it is a great privilege to have the opportunity tolive through so many historical events.(我認為這真是了不起,而能有機會經(jīng)歷這么多歷史事件是我莫大的榮幸。)
  • 9、Roses need special care so that they canlive through winter.(玫瑰需要特殊的照顧以便它們可以活過寒冬。)
  • 10、But with organs including kidneys for transplant so scarce, is it justifiable to deny these patients a chance tolive through dialysis?(但是包括腎臟的器官移植是很稀缺的,那么拒絕給病人一個通過透析活命的機會難道說就很合理嗎?)
  • 11、The doctor doubted whether the patient wouldlive through that month.(醫(yī)生拿不準(zhǔn)那個病人是否能活過那個月。) (好工具hao86.com)
  • 12、At that time, the exchange will be broadcastlive through official microblogging.(屆時,將通過競賽官方微博全程直播本次交流會。)
  • 13、They have a remarkable ability tolive through, delay or entirely escape a host of diseases that kill off most of their peers.(他們具有非凡的能力能挺過、延緩或全然避免罹患奪走他們同齡人中大部分人性命的許多疾病。)
  • 14、But back in 2004, we never could have imagined we'dlive through a year like 2008-2009.(但早在2004年,我們根本想象不到2008-2009這兩年發(fā)生的一切。)
  • 15、Life isn't about how tolive through the storm, but how to dance in the rain.(生活不是如何度過暴風(fēng)雨,而是如何在雨中起舞。)
  • 16、Let the truth be told - women do as a rulelive through such humiliations, and regain their spirits, and again look about them with an interested eye.(老實說,女子受了這樣的恥辱還是要照舊活下去,恢復(fù)了精神,就又開始用興致勃勃的眼睛在她們四周看來看去了。)
  • 17、The old lady is not likely tolive through the winter.(那位老婦人不大可能活過這個冬天。)
  • 18、But if you’re trying to explain the incredible housing market, you just can’t explain what America had tolive through with interest rates alone.(但是如果你想就此解釋瘋狂的房市,那么除了利率本身其他什么都解釋不了。)
  • 19、I feel I'm positively influencing other people'slive through my work.(在我的工作中,我覺得我肯定影響了其他人的生活。)
  • 20、We are embodied beings and our bodieslive through all aspects of our life, both 'public' and 'private'.(我們體現(xiàn)了我們?nèi)吮旧?,我們的身體貫穿了我們生活的方方面面,不論是“公”還是“私”。)
  • 21、Secret millionaire. When youlive through a true depression, you know how to save.(神秘的百萬富翁:當(dāng)你經(jīng)歷過大蕭條時代,自然就懂得節(jié)約了。)
  • 22、Despite the general negative findings, it is important to remember that all children wholive through a divorce do not behave in the same way.(盡管父母離異對孩子有普遍的負面影響,但經(jīng)歷父母離異的孩子會有不同的行為反應(yīng),記住這一點很重要。)
  • 23、JUST FOR TODAY I will try tolive through this day only, and not tackle all my problems at once.(只為今天,我要試著只考慮怎樣度過今天,而不把我一生的問題都一次解決。)
  • 24、He will notlive through the night.(他活不過今天夜里了。)
  • 25、I will try tolive through this day only and not tackle my whole life problem at once.(我將盡力只度過今天而不立刻去解決終身的問題。)
  • 26、They're so resilient and have to be tolive through what they've lived through.(他們?nèi)绱说挠许g性,必需要再次經(jīng)歷曾經(jīng)經(jīng)歷過的生活。)

live through基本釋義

live through

英 [liv θru:] 美 [liv θru] 
度過; 經(jīng)受住