
live up to造句

live up to造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:36:10


live up to造句

  • 1、They are the largest land animals andlive up to 70 years.(它們是最大的陸地動物,能活至70歲。)
  • 2、Can helive up to this promise?(他能兌現(xiàn)這一承諾嗎?)
  • 3、We have tolive up to the expectations of Member States.(我們必須無愧于會員國的期望。)
  • 4、Hundred-year weather events no longerlive up to their name.(百年一遇的天氣不再配稱“百年一遇”了。)
  • 5、The new structures may notlive up to his expectations.(然而新的結(jié)構(gòu)不一定能如他所愿。)
  • 6、I also know the pressure of trying tolive up to a reputation created by previous victories.(我也知道要努力不辜負(fù)過去的勝利所創(chuàng)造的聲譽的壓力。)
  • 7、Our children do try tolive up to our expectations.(我們的孩子的確會努力以不辜負(fù)我們的期望。)
  • 8、The new president of the university is trying his best tolive up to the expectations of the students.(這所大學(xué)的新校長正在努力不辜負(fù)學(xué)生們的期望。)
  • 9、However, they may not be able tolive up to expectations.(不過,他們未必能夠不辜負(fù)人們的期望。)
  • 10、It is vital that once an institution claims to be particularly good at something, it mustlive up to it.(至關(guān)重要的是,一旦一家機(jī)構(gòu)聲稱自己在某方面特別擅長,它就必須做到這一點。)
  • 11、Give up trying tolive up to the expectation of... yourself.(放棄為了…你自己的某些不切實際的期望而生活。)
  • 12、The new Camry will have a lot tolive up to.(新款凱美瑞將沿襲過去的一系列優(yōu)勢。)
  • 13、Headless Roaches Canlive up to Nine days.(無頭蟑螂能存活9天以上。)
  • 14、Who's standards are you really trying tolive up to?(你所遵守的是誰的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)?)
  • 15、She is quick to reproach anyone who doesn'tlive up to her own high standards.(她動不動就指責(zé)達(dá)不到她高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)的人。) Hao86.com
  • 16、Q: Did the Declaration of Alma-Atalive up to your expectations?(問:《阿拉木圖宣言》是否達(dá)到你的期望?)
  • 17、The event did notlive up to expectations.(這項比賽有負(fù)眾望。)
  • 18、She found it hard tolive up to his high ideals.(她覺得很難達(dá)到他的高標(biāo)準(zhǔn)要求。)
  • 19、He's very conscious of the particular rules of social behavior he has tolive up to somehow.(他非常清楚那些自己必須以某種方式遵守的社會行為特定規(guī)則。)
  • 20、Personally, I'm trying tolive up to both words, but it's hard.(就個人而言,我想兩點都做到,但這很困難。)
  • 21、It's of vital importance tolive up to our promises; otherwise, empty promises would only result in bad names.(信守承諾至關(guān)重要,不然,空頭承諾只會帶來壞名聲。)
  • 22、He failed tolive up to his parents' expectations.(他辜負(fù)了父母的期望。)
  • 23、Stephen Chase had determined tolive up to the expectations of the company.(斯蒂芬·蔡斯已決心不辜負(fù)公司的期望。)
  • 24、The sea slugs are so good at gathering energy from the sun that they canlive up to nine months without having to eat any food.(海蛞蝓非常善于從太陽中收集能量,它們可以在不吃任何食物的情況下存活九個月。)

live up to基本釋義

live up to

英 [liv ?p tu:] 美 [liv ?p tu] 

不辜負(fù); 履行; 達(dá)到高標(biāo)準(zhǔn); 實行