lock up造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:36:06


lock up造句

  • 1、If this is the case, you can be sure that some users willlock up their account trying their old password beyond what the loginretries allows.(如果是這樣,肯定會(huì)有一些用戶多次嘗試用舊密碼登錄,直到超過loginretries允許的次數(shù),導(dǎo)致賬戶鎖定。)
  • 2、In the states that currentlylock up the most people, imprisoning more would actually increase crime, they believe.(他們認(rèn)為,目前在一些在押犯最多的州,實(shí)際上抓的人越多犯罪率會(huì)越高。)
  • 3、It's not my job tolock up!(上鎖不是我的事兒!)
  • 4、To ITS opponents, it is a brazen attempt by a crafty monopolist tolock up some of the world's most valuable intellectual property.(在競(jìng)爭(zhēng)對(duì)手看來,谷歌如同一只精于壟斷的老狐貍,厚顏無恥到竟然想把世界最寶貴的知識(shí)財(cái)富鎖進(jìn)自家柜里。)
  • 5、The days when software vendors couldlock up users' data with nary a peep from their customers are over.(軟件廠商看都不看一眼客戶而將其數(shù)據(jù)鎖起來的日子一去不復(fù)返了。)
  • 6、Do not use a different GCC when compiling the kernel image and the user space tools because it can result in a systemlock up.(編譯內(nèi)核映像和用戶空間工具時(shí)不要使用不同的gcc,因?yàn)檫@可能會(huì)造成系統(tǒng)的鎖定。)
  • 7、With kernel 2.4.4, the kernel would immediatelylock up.(如果是2.4.4內(nèi)核,內(nèi)核會(huì)立即鎖定。)
  • 8、Since then, several research groups have also looked at the mineral apatite, which canlock up water in its chemical structure, in lunar rocks.(從那之后,許多研究隊(duì)伍也對(duì)礦物磷灰石進(jìn)行了研究,這種礦物的化學(xué)結(jié)構(gòu)能夠鎖住月巖中的水分。)
  • 9、Mr. Milner persuaded the federal prosecutors not tolock up his client.(米爾納先生說服聯(lián)邦檢查官不要把他的當(dāng)事人關(guān)起來。)
  • 10、lock up mineral rights around the world?(控制全世界的礦權(quán)?)
  • 11、Countries that need oil are clawing at each other tolock up scarce supplies, and are willing to deal with any government, no matter how unpleasant, to do it.(需要石油的國(guó)家正在互相撕咬以鎖定稀缺的石油供應(yīng),并且,無論這種事會(huì)多么令人不愉快,它們都愿意與任何政府打交道。)
  • 12、The people who make electronics gear fret that if they don'tlock up agreements for exclusive music or videos, consumers won't pay top price.(電子設(shè)備商著急的是如果他們不鎖定獨(dú)占的音樂或視頻合同,消費(fèi)者就不會(huì)花大錢買。)
  • 13、lock up your daughters.(一定看管好你的女兒。)
  • 14、Once he managed tolock up all 33 jailers and prison workers, he made sure to let them all know that the gun was a phony.(當(dāng)將所有的獄卒和監(jiān)獄工作共33人全部制服后,他還特意讓他們知道這支槍是假的。)
  • 15、In response to those restrictions, grain-importing countries are trying to nail down long-term trade agreements that wouldlock up future grain supplies.(作為對(duì)這些限制的回應(yīng),糧食進(jìn)口國(guó)正試圖敲定長(zhǎng)期貿(mào)易協(xié)議,以鎖定未來的糧食供應(yīng)。)
  • 16、Absolutely—but don'tlock up your coffee pot just yet.(絕對(duì)可能——但還沒有到要鎖上你咖啡壺的地步。)
  • 17、The sack buyer was about tolock up.(收購(gòu)麻袋的人正要鎖門。)
  • 18、High reserve requirements forced Banks tolock up much of the economy's savings in safe asset classes like government debt.(高準(zhǔn)備金率則使銀行必須以安全資產(chǎn)(比如國(guó)債)的形式持有大量?jī)?chǔ)蓄。)
  • 19、lock up all the doors before you go out.(出門之前鎖上所有的門。)
  • 20、But the simplest way to help the black family would be tolock up fewer black men for non-violent offences.(但幫助黑人家庭最簡(jiǎn)單的辦法是,若黑人男性涉非暴力犯罪,那就少判他們?nèi)氇z。)
  • 21、If AAPB could be recruited, they would provide an alternative way of getting the sea tolock up CO2.(如果AAPB可以被采納,就將提供鎖住海洋中二氧化碳的心方法。)
  • 22、The lesson of High Point is that you can reduce crime by making credible threats, without having tolock up so many people.(高點(diǎn)采取的辦法證明無需拘禁很多人,可信的威嚇就能夠減少犯罪。)
  • 23、Andlock up the Strategic Petroleum Reserve while you're at it - it has only about a month or so worth of oil in it, anyway.(與此同時(shí)把石油戰(zhàn)略儲(chǔ)備封存起來,它其實(shí)也只剩下一個(gè)月的原油消耗量。)
  • 24、Well, the sign on my store says the hours are ten to six, but if business is slower than usual, I can justlock up and take off early.(嗯,我商店的招牌上寫著工作時(shí)間是10點(diǎn)到6點(diǎn),但是如果生意比平時(shí)少的話,我就可以提前鎖門離開了。)
  • 25、Anything AT&T can do tolock up customers now is a good thing.(ToddRethemeier說,“現(xiàn)在AT&T所做的任何能夠鎖定客戶的事情對(duì)他們就是非常好的事情?!?
  • 26、One solution couldlock up resources that are then no longer available to other solutions.(某個(gè)解決方案可能會(huì)鎖定一些資源,這樣它們就對(duì)其他解決方案不可用。)
  • 27、In principle, any old trees would do—although they die and rot, more forest cover wouldlock up more carbon dioxide.(從理論上說,任何成木都能做到這一點(diǎn),盡管它們也會(huì)枯萎腐爛,但是更大的森林覆蓋將會(huì)鎖住更多的二氧化碳。)

lock up基本釋義

lock up

英 [l?k ?p] 美 [lɑk ?p] 
上鎖; 封鎖; 監(jiān)禁; 禁閉