
look on somebody造句

look on somebody造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:35:57


look on somebody造句

  • 1、He was really somebody in school with a handsome look and awesome knowledge. Therefore, he was the ideal target for many girls, while he merely focused on her.(他在校園里并非默默無聞之輩,長相俊朗,才氣逼人,是多少女孩子暗戀的對象,這樣的一個(gè)人,卻獨(dú)獨(dú)對她用情至深。)
  • 2、I must say that that I find television very educational. The minute somebody turns it on, I go to the library and read a look.(我得承認(rèn)我覺得電視很有教育性。只要有人打開電視,我就去書房看書。)
  • 3、More from Durant: "Kobe is somebody I really look up to, so every time I step on the floor it's going to be a wow factor," Durant said.(杜蘭特:“科比是我景仰的球員之一?!彼悦看挝姨ど锨驁鑫叶加X得這是個(gè)令人興奮的事實(shí)。) hAo86.com

look on somebody基本釋義