look at造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:35:58


look at造句

  • 1、Now let'slook at another facet of the problem.(現(xiàn)在咱們看問(wèn)題的另一面。)
  • 2、She cast a speculativelook at Kate.(她帶著疑問(wèn)的眼神看了凱特一眼。)
  • 3、look at that guy. He's got red socks.(看那家伙,他穿著紅襪子。)
  • 4、look at that moon. Is that beautiful or what?(看那月亮。很美,不是嗎?)
  • 5、Make sure you get a goodlook at their faces.(你一定要仔細(xì)看清他們的面孔。)
  • 6、Brian had learned tolook at her with new respect.(布賴恩已學(xué)會(huì)從新的角度看待她。)
  • 7、Can I have alook at that?(我能看看那個(gè)東西嗎?)
  • 8、Let's take alook at the damage.(讓我們看看損失情況吧。)
  • 9、look at the time! We'll be late.(看幾點(diǎn)了!我們要遲到了。)
  • 10、Oh,look at that dog! He's so cute.(哦,看那條狗!它真可愛(ài)。)
  • 11、We sneaked alook at her diary.(我們偷偷看了一眼她的日記。)
  • 12、He twisted his head around tolook at her.(他扭過(guò)頭去看她。)
  • 13、He gave a longinglook at the ice cream.(他看了看那冰激凌,顯出很想吃的樣子。)
  • 14、She would not permit herself tolook at them.(她避免看他們。)
  • 15、Let uslook at these views in more detail.(讓我們更詳細(xì)地看待這些觀點(diǎn)。)
  • 16、Christ!look at the time—I'm late!(天哪!看看時(shí)間,我遲到了!)
  • 17、Good gracious,look at that specimen, will you?(天哪,你看看那個(gè)家伙,好嗎?)
  • 18、He likes tolook at film of old-time players.(他喜歡看那些以前運(yùn)動(dòng)員的影片。)
  • 19、I didn't darelook at him.(我不敢看他。)
  • 20、However youlook at it, it's going to cost a lot.(不管你怎么看,它都要花很多錢(qián)。)
  • 21、Onelook at his face and Jenny stopped laughing.(珍妮一看見(jiàn)他那張臉,就止住不笑了。)
  • 22、He swivelled around tolook at her.(他轉(zhuǎn)過(guò)身來(lái)看著她。)
  • 23、look at the time—it's much later than I thought.(看看時(shí)間吧,比我想象的要晚多了。)
  • 24、Let'slook at it again, shall we?(我們?cè)倏匆槐?,好不好?
  • 25、Coo,look at him!(唔,你看看他!)
  • 26、First, let'slook at a breakdown of the costs.(我們首先看一下成本的詳細(xì)數(shù)字。)
  • 27、Robin took a pragmaticlook at her situation.(羅賓從務(wù)實(shí)的角度看待她的狀況。)
  • 28、She turned tolook at me.(她轉(zhuǎn)過(guò)頭來(lái)看著我。)
  • 29、Turn around and let melook at your back.(轉(zhuǎn)過(guò)身去讓我看看你的后背。)
  • 30、Let'slook at the question of security.(咱們來(lái)看一下保安問(wèn)題。) 【hao86.com好工具】

look at基本釋義

look at

英 [luk ?t] 美 [l?k ?t] 