like hell造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:36:24


like hell造句

  • 1、Instead of working at an ordinary rate for 40 years, you worklike hell for four.(你不再有安穩(wěn)地工作40年的權(quán)力了,取而代之的可能是像地獄一樣艱苦的四年。)
  • 2、I really thought as an entrepreneur, as a startup, you really cannot spend moneylike hell without thinking about tomorrow.(我真的認(rèn)為作為一個(gè)企業(yè)家,作為一個(gè)創(chuàng)業(yè)公司,你不能完全不考慮未來(lái)就亂花錢(qián)。)
  • 3、Too many men looklike hell and don’t need to.(許多男人看起來(lái)很遭罪,其實(shí)并不需要這樣。)
  • 4、Within three or four seconds, my guess is that you would be breathinglike hell.(在三或者四秒鐘內(nèi),我的猜測(cè)是你會(huì)在拼命的呼吸。)
  • 5、So I am going to be campaigninglike hell for there to be a referendum.(所以我會(huì)大力要求全民公投。)
  • 6、I wish I could hurt himlike hell.(但愿我能像地獄一樣折磨他。)
  • 7、"I wasn't going to give in. I wasn't going to fall. I was going to fightlike hell."(“我不會(huì)投降。我不會(huì)倒下。我將拼命戰(zhàn)斗。”)
  • 8、You pick a general direction and implementlike hell.(你選擇一個(gè)總方向,然后拼命執(zhí)行。)
  • 9、His shoulder hurtlike hell.(他的肩膀疼得要死。)
  • 10、She workedlike hell for her exams.(她為了考試而拼命復(fù)習(xí)。)
  • 11、I workedlike hell all my life and paid my bills and never was on public aid.(我終生都親親苦苦,支付賬單,從來(lái)沒(méi)有得到公共資助。)
  • 12、"It feltlike hell," Wang says.(“感覺(jué)就像地獄?!毙⊥跣稳菡f(shuō)。)
  • 13、You looklike hell.(你看起來(lái)像是去拼命的。)
  • 14、You looklike hell, you know that?(你看起來(lái)很煩,知道嗎?)
  • 15、"I'll go myself."—"like hell you will!"(“我會(huì)自己去?!薄翱赡憬^不會(huì)!”)
  • 16、To succeed, you must worklike hell.(為了成功,你必須拼命工作。)
  • 17、Well, it's really tough, as working a ten-hour shift islike hell.(好吧,這真的很難,因?yàn)槊堪喙ぷ魇r(shí)就像地獄一樣。)
  • 18、And then I ranlike hell.(然后我拼了命的逃走。)
  • 19、like hell I will agree.(我絕對(duì)不會(huì)同意。)
  • 20、My broken finger hurtlike hell.(我的手指骨折,痛得要命。) 【好工具h(yuǎn)】
  • 21、And it will hurt. It might even hurtlike hell.(這樣的經(jīng)歷很傷人,可能甚至像地獄一樣痛苦。)
  • 22、If the past morning arelike hell so dark ugly, looking forward to why?(假若過(guò)去的早晨都似地獄那么黑暗丑惡,盼明天干嘛呢?)
  • 23、Runlike hell, or he'll catch you.(快跑,否則他就要捉住你了。)

like hell基本釋義

like hell

英 [laik hel] 美 [la?k h?l] 

拼命地(干); 絕不