
lightning conductor造句

lightning conductor造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:36:26


lightning conductor造句

  • 1、Because of special reason, from1985, across river section have lost lightning protection conductor.(由于特殊原因,從1985年開始,跨江段失去了避雷線保護(hù)。)
  • 2、Like a spark between a cloud and alightning conductor, the liquid stretches out to the collector.(就像云塊與避雷針之間的一個火花,液體向收集器擴(kuò)展。)
  • 3、He proved that lightning is a form of electricity, and inventedlightning conductor.(他證明了閃電是電的一種形式,并發(fā)明了避雷針。)
  • 4、The plane is like the conductor, lightning and ground connections.(飛機(jī)就像導(dǎo)體,連接閃電與地面。)
  • 5、Utilize the principle of wavelength 1/4, when there is high pressure to interfere, thelightning conductor will hold up automatically (discharge), The normal work of the system.(利用1/4波長原理,當(dāng)有高壓干擾時,避雷器會自動短路(放電),系統(tǒng)正常工作。)
  • 6、However, he did invent thelightning conductor, which protects buildings and ships from damage caused by lightning.(然而,他發(fā)明了避雷裝置,這種裝置可以保護(hù)建筑物和輪船以避免閃電帶來的損害。)
  • 7、When designing the system of the grading of the building, I define the level of grounding for lightening of the building. Then I design thelightning conductor of the roof and the ground wire.(在進(jìn)行防雷接地設(shè)計時,先確定了其防雷等級,再對屋頂進(jìn)行了避雷帶的設(shè)計和負(fù)一層接地設(shè)計。)
  • 8、Alightning conductor protects a building from damage by lightning.(避雷針可保護(hù)建筑物不受雷擊的破壞。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 9、A connecting apparatus includes a connecting conductor for connecting a supporting insulator supporting an overhead transmission line and a lightning arrester through a disconnecting member.(一種連接設(shè)備包括一個連接導(dǎo)體,它經(jīng)由一個斷開件,連接一個承載架空傳輸線的承載絕緣器以及一個避雷器。)
  • 10、There is a footnote to the invention of thelightning conductor.(對于避雷針的發(fā)明有一個補(bǔ)充說明。)
  • 11、Probably, however, Franklin is most famous today for his inventions, especially thelightning conductor.(但今天最使他出名的或許是他的發(fā)明。)

lightning conductor基本釋義

lightning conductor

英 [?laitni? k?n?d?kt?] 美 [?la?tn?? k?n?d?kt?] 
第三人稱復(fù)數(shù):lightning conductors


