
listen to music造句

listen to music造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:36:17


listen to music造句

  • 1、I like tolisten to music and draw pictures.(我喜歡聽音樂、畫畫。)
  • 2、She likes tolisten to music in her spare time.(她喜歡在余暇時間聽音樂。)
  • 3、listen to music you'd ordinarily tune out.(去聽那些你通常不感興趣的音樂。)
  • 4、Now, instead of swimming upstream, we relax, sleep, watch movies, orlisten to music.(現(xiàn)在,我們不再逆流而上,而是放松,睡覺,看電影,或聽音樂。)
  • 5、I like tolisten to music. I collect records.(我喜歡讀書,喜歡聽音樂,喜歡收集唱片。)
  • 6、Alden then started designing headphones into helmets, backpacks—anywhere that would make it easy tolisten to music while snowboarding.(然后奧爾登開始在頭盔、背包里設(shè)計耳機——可以在滑雪時聽音樂的任何地方。)
  • 7、I like tolisten to music and dance.(我喜歡聽音樂和跳舞。) 【好工具hao86.com】
  • 8、I go online tolisten to music.(我上網(wǎng)去聽音樂。)
  • 9、Read a good book or magazine orlisten to music.(讀一本好書或是雜志,或者聽聽音樂。)
  • 10、Do you usuallylisten to music during RACES?(你是不是經(jīng)常聽著音樂參加比賽呢?)
  • 11、Don'tlisten to music or news or an audiotape.(不要聽音樂或者新聞、錄音帶。)
  • 12、You canlisten to music, or even count the sheep.(你可以聽音樂,甚至數(shù)綿羊。)
  • 13、Sue doesn't have much time tolisten to music.(蘇沒有很多時間聽音樂。)
  • 14、If you want tolisten to music, please go outside.(如果你想聽音樂,請到外面去聽。)
  • 15、I often surf the Internet andlisten to music.(我經(jīng)常上網(wǎng)和聽音樂。)
  • 16、We canlisten to music after class.(我們可以在下課的時候聽音樂。)
  • 17、Why do youlisten to music?(你為什么聽音樂?)
  • 18、She'lllisten to music, alone in her room, for hours.(她總是獨自一個人在屋里聽音樂,一聽就是幾個小時。)
  • 19、You may like tolisten to music, dance, play basketball, or work with computers.(你可能喜歡聽音樂、跳舞、打籃球或使用電腦工作。)
  • 20、Ilisten to music for relaxation.(我聽音樂放松心情。)
  • 21、When I get home I like to collapse on the sofa andlisten to music.(回到家時,我喜歡倒在沙發(fā)上聽音樂。)
  • 22、Read orlisten to music.(看書或聽音樂。)
  • 23、listen to music that has great drumming.(聽那些有很棒的鼓點的音樂。)
  • 24、B:listen to music and read.(聽音樂和看書。)
  • 25、listen to music (with your headphones on).(聽音樂(帶著耳機)。)
  • 26、Great composerslisten to music.(偉大的作曲家努力地聽音樂。)
  • 27、Actually, the listening journal is a tool to help youlisten to music actively, to think about what you are hearing.(實際上,傾聽日記是一個幫助你積極聽音樂的工具,幫助你思考你聽到的東西。)
  • 28、Don'tlisten to music in class.(在課堂上不要聽音樂。)

listen to music基本釋義
