
listen to造句

listen to造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:36:16


listen to造句

  • 1、Now,listen to what she's saying.(嗨,聽聽她在講什么。)
  • 2、listen to the tune and see if you can remember the words.(聽聽曲調(diào),看你能否記起歌詞。)
  • 3、Do we have tolisten to this rubbish music?(我們一定要聽這樣差勁的音樂嗎?)
  • 4、Why won't youlisten to reason ?(你怎么就不聽勸呢?)
  • 5、Why couldn't helisten to her?(為什么他不能聽她的話?)
  • 6、listen to me, I haven't got much time.(聽我說,我沒有多少時(shí)間。)
  • 7、He's not so stupid as tolisten to rumours.(他還沒有笨到聽信謠言份兒上。)
  • 8、Now, youlisten to me good!(喂,好好聽我說!)
  • 9、Justlisten to what I'm saying, will you!(你就聽我說好嗎?)
  • 10、We had to sit andlisten to his musings on life.(我們只好坐著聽他談?wù)撊松?
  • 11、We had tolisten to the tedious details of his operation.(我們不得不聽他嘮叨他那次行動(dòng)繁瑣的細(xì)節(jié)。)
  • 12、The company's top executives had refused tolisten to reason.(公司的高級主管們拒絕聽從道理。)
  • 13、listen to criticism but don't be crushed by it.(聽批評意見,但不要被它擊垮。)
  • 14、Since when did he everlisten to me?(他什么時(shí)候聽過我的話?)
  • 15、She'lllisten to music, alone in her room, for hours.(她總是獨(dú)自一個(gè)人在屋里聽音樂,一聽就是幾個(gè)小時(shí)。)
  • 16、You canlisten to whatever kind of music floats your boat.(無論你喜歡哪種音樂,你都可以聽。)
  • 17、Why don't you switch the darn thing off andlisten to me!(把那討厭的東西關(guān)掉,專心聽我講話好不好!)
  • 18、You could at leastlisten to what he says.(你至少可以聽一聽他說些什么。)
  • 19、To finish with, we'lllisten to a few songs.(最后我們將聽幾首歌。)
  • 20、You're a powerful man – people willlisten to you.(你是個(gè)有影響力的人–人們會(huì)聽你的。)
  • 21、Half the time you don't evenlisten to what I say.(你大部分時(shí)間甚至沒聽我說的話。)
  • 22、Don't act like a know-all. Youlisten to your mother.(不要那樣自以為是。聽你媽媽的話。)
  • 23、Anne, you need tolisten to me this time.(安妮,這次你要聽我的。)
  • 24、What a bore it was tolisten to the woman's prattle!(聽這個(gè)女人嘮叨是多么無聊??!)
  • 25、We'lllisten to the arguments on both sides and then vote on it.(我們將先聽取雙方的論點(diǎn),然后再表決。) haO86.com
  • 26、Ilisten to the radio on the way to work.(我在上班的路上聽廣播。)
  • 27、Ilisten to music for relaxation.(我聽音樂放松心情。)
  • 28、A lot of peoplelisten to the radio in the mornings.(很多人早上收聽廣播節(jié)目。)
  • 29、I can'tlisten to his constant babble.(我聽不得他那沒完沒了的瞎扯。)

listen to基本釋義

listen to

英 [?lisn tu:] 美 [?l?s?n tu] 

聽取; 聽從; 聽…(講話); 依