
little by little造句

little by little造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:36:13


little by little造句

  • 1、Hansel, howeverlittle by little, threw all the crumbs on the path.(漢賽爾一點點地把所有的面包屑撒在路上。)
  • 2、His health seems to be improvinglittle by little.(他的健康似乎慢慢地好轉(zhuǎn)了。) Hao86.com
  • 3、little by little he usurped his boss's authority.(他逐漸地篡奪老板的權(quán)力。)
  • 4、I have thousands of dreams to realize, but I have to dolittle by little, step by step.(我有成千上萬的夢想要實現(xiàn),但我必須一點點,一步步地去完成。)
  • 5、We manage to pump the whole story out of himlittle by little.(我們設(shè)法一點一點地從他那里詢問出整個故事。)
  • 6、Market share will probably continue to droplittle by little.(市場份額將會越來越小。)
  • 7、little by little, the sky cleared.(漸漸地,天空放晴了。)
  • 8、I became interested in readinglittle by little.(我漸漸地對讀書產(chǎn)生了興趣。)
  • 9、You can try to change itlittle by little.(你可以一點一點改掉。)
  • 10、Profound knowledge is accumulatedlittle by little.(淵博的知識是一點點積累起來的。)
  • 11、little by little, people actually answered my AD.(漸漸地人們開始回復(fù)我的廣告。)
  • 12、I would say love camelittle by little. Not right away.(我想說,愛,并不是一下子就出現(xiàn)的,是一點一點地出來的。)
  • 13、We collected enough moneylittle by little.(我們一點一點地攢足了錢。)
  • 14、little by little his diligence was rewarded.(漸漸地,他的勤奮得到了回報。)
  • 15、It waslittle by little that the watch reached its present-day perfection.(表漸漸地達(dá)到了現(xiàn)在這樣完美的程度。)
  • 16、It adds uplittle by little.(它是一點一點積攢起來的。)
  • 17、But we did itlittle by little over quite a long time.(但是我們在很長一段時間里一點一點地做到了。)
  • 18、little by little, he formulated his plan for escape.(他一點一點地構(gòu)想出了他的逃跑計劃。)
  • 19、Then,little by little, I returned to drawing in my work.(我也開始畫人體,之后漸漸地,我在工作時也畫。)
  • 20、The tree forgot its dreamlittle by little.(樹一點一點地忘記了它的夢想。)
  • 21、little by little, a film covered his eyes.(漸漸地,他的眼睛一點點發(fā)黑。)
  • 22、little by little I began to improve my spoken English.(我開始逐步提高我的英語口語。)
  • 23、little by little, there appeared green fields for people to grow plants.(漸漸地,出現(xiàn)了綠色的田野供人們種植植物。)
  • 24、The color of the cloth will fade awaylittle by little.(這布的顏色會一點一點褪掉的。)
  • 25、His head nodded, andlittle by little his chin descended and touched the enemy, who seized it.(他點了點頭,下巴一點一點地垂下去,碰到了對手就被對手抓住了。)
  • 26、little by little, one travels far.(一點一點地,人就走遠(yuǎn)了。)
  • 27、That ship sanklittle by little.(那只船漸漸地沉下去。)
  • 28、His English is improvinglittle by little.(他的英語正在逐步提高。)
  • 29、little by little the snow disappeared.(雪漸漸融化了。)
  • 30、little by little, the story of the family came out.(這個家庭的故事一點一點地傳開了。)

little by little基本釋義

little by little

英 [?litl bai ?litl] 美 [?l?tl ba? ?l?tl] 
