
Little Red Riding Hood造句

Little Red Riding Hood造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:36:12


Little Red Riding Hood造句

  • 1、Wolf: I'm so hungry andLittle Red Riding Hood looks very good to eat!(狼:我是這樣的餓,而小紅帽看起來非常的可口!)
  • 2、Little Red Riding Hood Forget everything you ever thought you knew aboutLittle Red Riding Hood.(把你所以為你了解的有關(guān)《小紅帽》的一切都忘掉。)
  • 3、She is nowLittle Red Riding Hood.(她如今是小紅帽了。)
  • 4、Little Red Riding Hood knew the character in the bed was not her grandmother.(小紅帽知道床上的人不是他的外婆。)
  • 5、Little Red Riding Hood forgets what mother said.(小紅帽忘了媽媽說的話。)
  • 6、Old Yeller dies, Darth Vader is Luke's dad,Little Red Riding Hood lives.(老黃狗死了,達(dá)斯維德是天行者的父親,小紅帽活了下來。)
  • 7、Grandmother andLittle Red Riding Hood are inside.(外婆和小紅帽在那里面。)
  • 8、Little Red Riding Hood, where are you going?(小紅帽,你要去那里呀?)
  • 9、How didLittle Red Riding Hood know the character in the bed was not her grandmother?(小紅帽怎么知道床上的人不是自己的外婆?)
  • 10、Little Red Riding Hood is a little girl who lives in a forest!(小紅帽是另一個(gè)住在森林的女孩!)
  • 11、I just looked likeLittle Red Riding Hood.(“我不過是看起來有點(diǎn)像小紅帽”。)
  • 12、Grandmother andLittle Red Riding Hood were very scared of you.(祖母和小紅帽都非常害怕你。)
  • 13、They packed a nice basket forLittle Red Riding Hood to take to her grandmother.(他們準(zhǔn)備了一個(gè)漂亮的籃子讓小紅帽帶給外婆。)
  • 14、Little Red Riding Hood and her Grandma were both safe.(小紅帽和她的外婆都很安全。)
  • 15、She likes red hats, so her mother calls herLittle Red Riding Hood.(她喜歡紅帽子,于是她媽媽就叫她小紅帽。)
  • 16、Little Red Riding Hood: Oh? Grandma? Are you alright? The Wolf is gone.(小紅帽:奶奶,你還好吧?大灰狼已經(jīng)走了。)
  • 17、Little Red Riding Hood: What's the matter with you? Grandma?(小紅帽:(十分擔(dān)心)奶奶,你還好吧?) hao86.com
  • 18、So they packed a nice basket forLittle Red Riding Hood to take to her grandmother.(于是他們準(zhǔn)備了一個(gè)漂亮的籃子讓小紅帽帶給外婆。)
  • 19、He wears grandmother's pajamas and waits forLittle Red Riding Hood.(他穿上了外婆的睡衣,等著小紅帽來。)
  • 20、Little Red Riding Hood: At the end of this road.(小紅帽:就在這條路的盡頭。)
  • 21、Little Red Riding Hood: I love you too? Grandma.(奶奶:(抱在一起)我愛你,小紅帽。)
  • 22、Little Red Riding Hood cried for help.(小紅帽哭著尋求幫助。)
  • 23、Little Red Riding Hood: I am going to visit my grandma.(小紅帽:我要去看望我的祖母。)

Little Red Riding Hood基本釋義

Little Red Riding Hood

