
make a bet造句

make a bet造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:35:28


make a bet造句

  • 1、Let'smake a bet on whether our national football team will win next season.(讓我們打個賭吧,賭我們的國家足球隊下個賽季是否會贏。)
  • 2、Seriously, though, let'smake a bet.(不過說真格的,我們來打賭。)
  • 3、I don't see an end to this argument.Let'smake a bet.(我看不到這個爭論的結(jié)果。讓我們打個賭。)
  • 4、Let'smake a bet if you don't believe it.(如果你不相信,咱們來打賭好了。)
  • 5、Whenever famous actresses get together to make a "woman's film" you can bet on an overload of sentimental mush.(無論什么時候,只要著名女演員們聚在一起演繹一部“女性題材電影”,那毫無疑問里面準(zhǔn)是一堆多愁善感的故事。)
  • 6、Let'smake a bet on the election.(關(guān)于選舉咱們來打個賭吧。)
  • 7、Just as engaging as a game, you could alsomake a bet.(類似于玩游戲,你還可以和她打個賭。)
  • 8、Let'smake a bet on the next election.(咱們賭一賭下次的選舉把。)
  • 9、make a bet that it is better to do a simple thing today and pay a little more tomorrow to change it if necessary than to do a more complicated thing today that may never be used anyway.(打個賭,今天做件簡單的事情明天再稍微改進(jìn)一下,要比今天做件較復(fù)雜的、日后也許再也不會用到的事情要好。)
  • 10、Let'smake a bet. But I'll surely win.(咱們來打個賭。但我肯定贏。)
  • 11、Let'smake a bet.(就狠狠的來賭一鋪。)
  • 12、make a bet with your partner: the loser gives a full body massage to the winner.(和你的愛人打個賭:輸家給贏家做全身按摩。)
  • 13、I canmake a bet with you that you must pass the exam.(我可以跟你打賭你一定能通過考試。)
  • 14、The fish must alsomake a bet that who would catch the first people.(魚一定也在打賭,誰是釣上的第一個人。)
  • 15、So I guess the first lesson here is when youmake a bet with a sharp cookie (and Kevin is nothing if not razor sharp) you should define your terms carefully.(我想我們學(xué)到的第一課就是,如果你跟個很難搞的人打賭(Kevin最犀利不過了),你應(yīng)該謹(jǐn)慎自己的用詞。) haO86.com
  • 16、Now, next time if the ghost appears, you have tomake a bet with her.(下次鬼出現(xiàn)時,你要和她打個賭。)

make a bet基本釋義

make a bet

[meik ? bet] 
