
make a contribution to造句

make a contribution to造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:35:27


make a contribution to造句

  • 1、It's expected that you have an opinion, and there are multiple opportunities to reallymake a contribution to the company and to society.(公司期待你擁有自己的觀點,你也會有很多機會去真正為公司和社會做貢獻。)
  • 2、I'm not sure in the future days I will change my mind, but I'm sure that I mustmake a contribution to society, even if it is a cleaner.(我不敢肯定在今后的日子里我是否會改變主意,可是,我敢肯定的是,我一定要做個對社會有貢獻的人,哪怕是一個清潔工人。)
  • 3、Another reason of the pop singers deserve high income is that theymake a contribution to the social economy.(另外一個流行歌手值得擁有高收入的理由在于他們對社會經(jīng)濟有貢獻。)
  • 4、We shouldmake a contribution to our society.(我們應(yīng)該為社會做貢獻。)
  • 5、When people find a way tomake a contribution to the society, they will be very satisfied and proud of themselves.(當人們找到一種方法來對社會做出貢獻,他們會非常滿意和為自己自豪。)
  • 6、How long will it take you tomake a contribution to this company?(你需要多久時間,才能對本公司做出貢獻?)
  • 7、Tomake a contribution to the motherland. It is not necessary for either of to make a song about this.(為祖國發(fā)一份光以及貢獻一份應(yīng)有的力量是好事,那么為何要盡人皆知呢?)
  • 8、He hasmake a contribution to our work.(他對我們的工作做出了貢獻。)
  • 9、Today is Asia's Lights Out day. Pleasemake a contribution to ease global warming by turning off the light between 9-10 PM.(今天是“亞洲熄燈日”,請您晚上9-10點熄燈一小時,為減緩全球氣候變暖貢獻一份力量。)
  • 10、In what ways do you think you couldmake a contribution to our company?(你覺得用什么方式你可以為我們公司做貢獻?)
  • 11、In what ways do you think you canmake a contribution to our company?(在采取何種方式,你認為你可以做出自己的貢獻我們的公司嗎?)
  • 12、I would like tomake a contribution to the motherland.(我愿意為祖國做一份貢獻。)
  • 13、So they want tomake a contribution to society.(他們希望為社會作出貢獻。)
  • 14、Therefore, we willmake a contribution to The Rotary Foundation as our expression of thanks.(因此,我們將對扶輪基金會捐獻,以聊表謝忱。)
  • 15、I willmake a contribution to the cultural exchange among China and other countries.(我會為中外的文化交流做出貢獻。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 16、Most artists work for little or nothing in order to fulfill their passion and tomake a contribution to their culture.(大部分的藝術(shù)家以極低的報酬工作,只為了滿足他們的熱情,并對自己的文化做出貢獻。)
  • 17、Though they are not doing the fine jobs, they find their own place andmake a contribution to the world.(雖然他們沒有做著體面的工作,但是他們找到了自己的位置,為社會做貢獻。)
  • 18、Personally, I am ready tomake a contribution to those who are badly off.(就我而言,我是很樂意捐款給那些窮困潦倒的人的。)
  • 19、Schools need to focus on executive education for senior bankers and insurers andmake a contribution to stabilising the financial system.(商學院需要將重點放在高級銀行家和保險家的管理教育上,為穩(wěn)定金融體系做出貢獻。)
  • 20、The most important thing of the useful person is tomake a contribution to the society.(對于有用的人來說最重要的就是為社會做貢獻。)
  • 21、The school sees its job as preparing students tomake a contribution to society.(這所學校以培養(yǎng)能為社會做貢獻的學生為己任。)
  • 22、We will work hard andmake a contribution to our country in the future.(我們將努力工作,并且對我們的國家作出貢獻的在將來。)
  • 23、Every one of us shouldmake a contribution to making our gardens more beautiful.(我們每個人應(yīng)該為使我們園林更美麗而做出貢獻。)
  • 24、I hope he can attend military school and become a soldier, so he canmake a contribution to society when he grows up.(我希望他進軍校,當軍人,長大后為社會做貢獻。)

make a contribution to基本釋義
