
make a difference造句

make a difference造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:35:27


make a difference造句

  • 1、I couldmake a difference.(我可以創(chuàng)造一個不一樣的我。)
  • 2、They have a different kind of superpower that all of us possess: the power tomake a difference in the lives of others.(他們擁有我們所有人都有的另一種超能力:改變其他人的生活的能力。)
  • 3、Support couldmake a difference.(支持可以帶來改變。)
  • 4、Why does thatmake a difference?(為什么會有不同?)
  • 5、And that the characteristics adult children look for when they begin the search are not necessarily the things thatmake a difference to the people who are going to move in.(而且在剛開始探索社會時,這些剛成年的孩子們所追尋的特質(zhì)并不一定能對這些即將進入社會的人產(chǎn)生重要的影響。)
  • 6、If we combine our efforts, we canmake a difference.(如果我們共同努力,我們就能有所作為。)
  • 7、Some ideas canmake a difference build more barrier free facilities and employ more workers to protect them but hard to be put into practice, because both of them require money.(有些想法可以產(chǎn)生影響,比如建造更多的無障礙設(shè)施,雇傭更多的工人來維護它們,但這些想法很難付諸實施,因為這些都需要資金。)
  • 8、These steps willmake a difference.(這些措施將帶來變化。)
  • 9、Could one teachermake a difference?(難道一個老師就能起作用嗎?)
  • 10、The change can reallymake a difference.(這種改變真的可以起作用。)
  • 11、Scratchy throats, stuffy noses and body aches all spell misery, but being able to tell if the cause is a cold or flu maymake a difference in how long the misery lasts.(沙啞的喉嚨、不通氣的鼻子和疼痛的身體都會帶來痛苦,但若能識別起因是感冒還是流感,就可能改變痛苦持續(xù)的時間。)
  • 12、They want tomake a difference.(他們希望做出改變。)
  • 13、Her salary canmake a difference between the financial struggle and secure financial situation for her family.(她的薪水可以使她的家庭在經(jīng)濟困難和穩(wěn)定的經(jīng)濟狀況之間產(chǎn)生差別。)
  • 14、From the passage, we know that reading canmake a difference to a person.(從文章中,我們知道閱讀可以對一個人產(chǎn)生影響。)
  • 15、We hope you enjoy this series about how you canmake a difference by becoming a social worker.(我們希望你喜歡這個關(guān)于如何通過成為一名社會工作者而有所作為的系列文章。)
  • 16、The world is very different, and practicing tolerance in your own school and city can helpmake a difference.(世界已經(jīng)大不一樣了,在你自己的學校和城市里踐行寬容可以幫助改變世界。)
  • 17、Sometimes it just doesn'tmake a difference.(有時,謂詞順序沒有差別。)
  • 18、You could not debate that young man was someone who wanted tomake a difference in economics and he is today a professor of economics.(你無法爭辯,這個年輕人是一個想要在經(jīng)濟學上有所作為的人,而他現(xiàn)在是一位經(jīng)濟學教授。)
  • 19、However, the serious programs and the drama didn'tmake a difference to pain at all.(然而,嚴肅的節(jié)目和戲劇對疼痛沒有任何影響。)
  • 20、When does the ordermake a difference?(謂詞順序什么時候會造成差異?)
  • 21、You can do an activity you enjoy or that relaxes you, maybe you can read a good book or learn a new hobby and even spend time with your pet and that couldmake a difference.(你可以參加一個你喜歡或能讓你放松的活動,也許你可以讀一本好書或培養(yǎng)一個新的愛好,甚至花時間和你的寵物在一起,這都可能會有所不同。)
  • 22、You don't need to do much tomake a difference to others' lives.(你不需要做太多來改變別人的生活。)
  • 23、Wang: Will thatmake a difference?(那又有什么區(qū)別嗎?)
  • 24、Whatever you can do canmake a difference.(無論你能做什么,都會帶來不同。)
  • 25、Is the money enough tomake a difference?(有了錢就可以帶來改變嗎?)
  • 26、Their clever designs and lightweight composites certainlymake a difference.(他們巧妙的設(shè)計和輕質(zhì)的復合材料足以扭轉(zhuǎn)乾坤。)
  • 27、I wanted tomake a difference in the world somehow, but I had no idea how to do that.(我想以某種方式在世界上有所作為,但我不知道該怎么做。)
  • 28、Such as I said, a homeless person, of course, income willmake a difference to that person.(就像我說的,一個無家可歸的人,收入當然會對這個人產(chǎn)生影響。)

make a difference基本釋義

make a difference

英 [meik ? ?dif?r?ns] 美 [mek e ?d?f?r?ns] 
有影響; 起(重要)作用
