
make a fool of造句

make a fool of造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:35:26


make a fool of造句

  • 1、A mother take twenty year to make a man of her boy, and another womanmake a fool of him in twenty minute.(做母親的要費二十年工夫把她的男孩子養(yǎng)大成一個男子漢,到了別的女人手上,只要二十分鐘就會把他化為一條笨漢。)
  • 2、Or will he try to cockblock you, just stand there like an idiot ormake a fool of himself and you?(或者他會不會妨礙你,像傻瓜一樣的只站在那兒,讓他自己和你看上去像個傻瓜?)
  • 3、If you pretend to know what you don't know, you'll onlymake a fool of yourself.(不懂裝懂就會鬧笑話。)
  • 4、Yeah, so you make her laugh, youmake a fool of yourself a little bit and then you buy her a drink.(那是,所以說你如果想把她逗樂,你必須先愚弄自己,然后給她買些喝的。)
  • 5、If you go to the wedding in this dress, you'llmake a fool of yourself.(你要是穿這身去參加婚禮,你會出丑的。(每日一句11-21))
  • 6、I'll teach you tomake a fool of me.(我要教訓(xùn)教訓(xùn)你,竟然來愚弄我!)
  • 7、Don'tmake a fool of yourself anymore.(你不要故意鬧笑話了。)
  • 8、Lily: Oh, youmake a fool of the presenter, then you start a brawl.(你把主持人當傻子耍,然后你又引發(fā)一場爭斗。)
  • 9、What if Imake a fool of myself?(若是讓自己出丑了呢?)
  • 10、Young man, sit down and keep still; you will have plenty of chances tomake a fool of yourself before you die.(年輕人,坐下安靜一會兒;你死前還有大量的機會讓自己丟人現(xiàn)眼。)
  • 11、Don't you it is cruel tomake a fool of such an innocent girl?(你難道不覺得這樣玩弄一個天真的女孩太殘忍了嗎?)
  • 12、They worry about whether the other person will like them or if they willmake a fool of themselves somehow.(他們擔心對方是否會喜歡自己或者他們是否會出丑。)
  • 13、Are you trying tomake a fool of me?(你想把我當傻瓜嗎?)
  • 14、He's a crook. He betrayed me, for next to nothing he made memake a fool of myself with a woman.(他是一個騙子。他背叛了我,他讓我在一個女人面前出洋相,幾乎一文不值。)
  • 15、Don't have any more to do with him, he's trying tomake a fool of you.(別再理他了,他正在捉弄你呢。)
  • 16、If our partnersmake a fool of themselves, we look bad because we're judged by the company we keep.(如果我們的伴侶做了蠢事,我們面子上也掛不住,因為別人會通過我們的伴侶判斷我們的為人。)
  • 17、"How could Imake a fool of myself helping someone like that."(我怎么會傻到幫助一個像她那樣的人。)
  • 18、Herbert: I just don't want 4 tomake a fool of myself.(赫伯特:我不想讓自己看起來像個傻子。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 19、You shall no longermake a fool of me!(一個比一個不負責任!別想再欺騙我!)
  • 20、When he said we were trying tomake a fool of him, I could only murmur that the Creator had beat us to it.(當他們說我們在企圖愚弄他的時候,我惟有嘟噥著說:造物主早已搶先了我們一步啦。)
  • 21、I just don't want tomake a fool of myself.(我不想讓自己看起來像個傻子。)
  • 22、make a fool of yourself, don't understand asked, you will learn more.(把自我當傻瓜,不懂就問,你會學的更多。)
  • 23、Every two years in spring, many English people put on a red nose,make a fool of themselves and do "silly" things to make themselves and others laugh.(每兩年的春天,許多英國人就會戴上紅鼻子,做一些讓自己和別人發(fā)笑的“傻事”。)
  • 24、Previously, she sings worse than me, I call her just to let hermake a fool of yourself.(以前,她唱的比我難聽,我叫她只是為了讓她出出丑。)
  • 25、He was ready tomake a fool of me, but I know my stones. He looked me up and down.(他想要敲我一筆,卻沒想到我很了解寶石。他開始上下打量我。)

make a fool of基本釋義

make a fool of

英 [meik ? fu:l ?v] 美 [mek e ful ?v] 
愚弄; 使出丑
