
make a fuss of造句

make a fuss of造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:35:26


make a fuss of造句

  • 1、She began to make a fuss asking from where he got the COINS. Finally he told her that it was the baraka of the Shaykh.(她吵吵鬧鬧的問金幣來源,塔威不得已告訴她這是導(dǎo)師的恩賜。)
  • 2、To enhance the competitiveness of weak brands, only from the marketing strategy is not enough to make a fuss about.(要提升弱勢(shì)品牌的競爭力,僅從營銷策略上做文章是不夠的。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 3、"Really," she said, "there's nothing to make such a fuss about." Try taking half as many as nuts and raisins as you have in your hand and you'll find it will come out of the jar quite easily.(“真的嗎,”媽媽說,“沒關(guān)系的,只要抓你現(xiàn)在手里堅(jiān)果和葡萄干的一半,你就會(huì)很容易的拿出手了?!?
  • 4、Then tell him about some of your special memories in order that he can understand more about why you are so keen to make a big fuss on someone's birthday.(去看看他喜不喜歡他的家人做事的方式,并且告訴他一些你特別的回憶,這樣他就會(huì)更理解為什么你很渴望把生日辦得很隆重了。)
  • 5、I am used to treating this kind of thing with the needed distance and I do not want to make a fuss.(我認(rèn)為在球場(chǎng)上才是重要的,我完全堅(jiān)持我所說的和做的?!薄拔伊?xí)慣以一個(gè)所需的距離來對(duì)待這類事情,我不想大驚小怪。)
  • 6、You are such a romantic soul by nature that someone only needs tomake a fuss of you and you may consider falling in love with this person.(你天生就是一個(gè)浪漫的人,只要有人讓你感覺緊張不安,你就會(huì)有要愛上他的感覺。)
  • 7、They think, it is a natural thing that each one disagrees, so, in people chat on the suggestion of exchanging and at will, never because you will disagree and feel that make a fuss.(他們認(rèn)為,各人意見不同是理所當(dāng)然的事,所以,人們?cè)诮粨Q意見和隨便閑聊中,決不會(huì)因你的意見不同而感到大驚小怪。)
  • 8、Slowly flow to make a fuss over minor things on coming in to call, and hurtle he after death of the miss say: See?(徐流一進(jìn)門就大驚小怪叫起來,并沖他身后的姑娘說:看見了?)
  • 9、Considering the current global economic environment, we should not make a big fuss over some decrease of foreign investment because it is completely natural.(在當(dāng)前國內(nèi)外經(jīng)濟(jì)環(huán)境下,外資流入趨向減少,在情理之中,我們不必要大驚小怪。)
  • 10、Maybe you are not aware of it. Do not be so nervous! Do not make a fuss!...(也許你自己還不知道別那么緊張用英文怎…謝謝了。)
  • 11、There's always the possibility that younger people tune in to see what the fuss is about, or even make Crystal a kind of mascot, Betty White-style, though that seems unlikely.(也有可能年輕人們會(huì)收看想知道這到底關(guān)于什么,甚至?xí)尶死锼雇谐蔀樾疫\(yùn)兒貝蒂還特斯特勒,盡管這有點(diǎn)不太可能。)
  • 12、Don'tmake a fuss of them!(別對(duì)它們大驚小怪!——?jiǎng)e討好他們!)
  • 13、Dad likes his steak grilled two minutes on each side and make no end of a fuss if it is not just right.(爸爸吃牛排喜歡吃每面烤兩分鐘的牛排,如果不是這樣烤的,他就會(huì)大吵大鬧。)

make a fuss of基本釋義

make a fuss of

為 ... 大驚小怪; 嬌養(yǎng)(某人); 過分關(guān)懷(某人)