
main subject造句

main subject造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:35:31


main subject造句

  • 1、Medical imaging is amain subject in current clinical medicine.(醫(yī)學(xué)影像學(xué)是當(dāng)前臨床醫(yī)學(xué)中的一個重要學(xué)科。)
  • 2、Use Shallow Depth-of-Field Isolate a centerpiece or othermain subject with a shallow depth of field.(使用淺景深能分離餐桌擺飾和其它主體。)
  • 3、Pathology is amain subject of medicine.(病理學(xué)是醫(yī)學(xué)專業(yè)的主干學(xué)科。)
  • 4、Your major is themain subject you choose to study in college.(你的專業(yè)是你在大學(xué)選擇的主要學(xué)科。)
  • 5、What tis themain subject of this writing?(這個作品的主題是什么?。)
  • 6、Canon's E-TTL II even measures the distance to themain subject and that also becomes part of the evaluation taking place.(佳能的E-TTLII甚至可以測出相機和主要被攝對象間的距離并將此作為測光的考慮因素之一。) hAo86.com
  • 7、main subject: material science and engineering.(主干學(xué)科:材料科學(xué)與工程。)
  • 8、And competitive superiorities are themain subject of strategic management.(而競爭優(yōu)勢又是企業(yè)戰(zhàn)略管理的主題。)
  • 9、That poor ant is themain subject of our radio story.(可憐的螞蟻是我們廣播故事的主要人物。)
  • 10、Further detailed information on normalization can be found in most books whosemain subject is relational databases.(在大多數(shù)以關(guān)系數(shù)據(jù)庫為主題的書籍當(dāng)中,都可以找到關(guān)于規(guī)范化的更詳細(xì)的信息。)
  • 11、I caught scraps of their conversation, from which I was able only too distinctly to infer themain subject discussed.(我只聽到了片言只語,但我可以清楚地推斷出她們討論的主題。)
  • 12、The matter concerns the individual with the society is themain subject of sociology.(個人與社會的關(guān)系是社會學(xué)的基本問題。)
  • 13、The latter is themain subject.(后者是主要的主題。)
  • 14、To turn aside, especially from themain subject in writing or speaking; stray.(離開主題遠(yuǎn)離,特別是指脫離寫作或演說主題;跑題。)
  • 15、This is the very first photograph that intentionally has a human as itsmain subject.(這是第一張以有意的人物為其主體的照片。)
  • 16、Autobiography is themain subject in Life Studies.(自傳成為《生活研究》的中心話題。)
  • 17、Avoid including other elements that conflict with themain subject.(避免把與主題相悖的元素包含進來。)
  • 18、Forensic biology is amain subject of forensic medicine.(法醫(yī)物證學(xué)是法醫(yī)學(xué)專業(yè)的一門主干學(xué)科。)
  • 19、It's a simple and easy path for the eye to follow to themain subject.(這是一種把視線指向主體簡單又容易的途徑。)
  • 20、Packaging engineering;main subject; Knowledge system; Capacity development.(包裝工程;主干學(xué)科;知識體系;能力培養(yǎng)。)
  • 21、The lateralization of Chinese characters is amain subject in cognitive psychology.(漢字認(rèn)知偏側(cè)化是漢字認(rèn)知心理學(xué)的一個重要課題。)
  • 22、'Samadhi' is themain subject of the first part of Yoga Sutras called Samadhi-pada.(“三摩地”是瑜伽經(jīng)第一部分的主要題目,叫做三摩地品。)
  • 23、This article refers to the long history and wide connotation of natural medicine, themain subject of which is TCM.(本文扼要闡述了自然醫(yī)學(xué)的悠久歷史和廣泛的學(xué)科內(nèi)涵,傳統(tǒng)中醫(yī)藥學(xué)是該領(lǐng)域的主要學(xué)科。)
  • 24、The relationship between nature and human has been themain subject in China philosophy.(在中國哲學(xué)史上,天和人的關(guān)系一直是研究的最主要的課題。)
  • 25、Themain subject of the design and implementation of a campus-based materials management system.(本課題主要設(shè)計并實現(xiàn)一套基于校園網(wǎng)的教材管理系統(tǒng)。)
  • 26、Background: Area behind themain subject.(背景:主調(diào)后面的范圍。)
  • 27、Themain subject of this thesis is about DNA origami chip, which actually belongs to nanofabrication.(本課題的內(nèi)容是開發(fā)一種新型的DNA折紙芯片,這其實也屬于納米排布的一種。)

main subject基本釋義

main subject

英 [mein ?s?bd?ikt] 美 [men ?s?bd?ekt] 
主體; 主科