
main unit造句

main unit造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:35:30


main unit造句

  • 1、The WPR-26 IR module also has a wider acceptance Angle and may be useful in situations even where themain unit is ideally positioned.(在太區(qū)-26紅外模塊也有一個廣泛接受的角度,可能在下述情況下,即使有用的主體單位是理想位置。)
  • 2、The land of shenzhen city with ancestor the ground unit es number formain unit , call a ground date , abbreviation ground date.(深圳市的土地以宗地為基本單位統(tǒng)一編號,叫宗地號,簡稱地號。)
  • 3、Attach the supplied belt CLIP to themain unit and install it to your belt.(把附帶的皮帶夾裝在機器上,便可把機器掛在褲子皮帶上。)
  • 4、Once you are on the surface, themain unit for propulsion are your arms, so it is very important that your draw the right pattern underwater, and that is a hourglass pattern.(身體浮到水面后,最大的推進力量就來自手臂。因此正確的水下劃水路線非常重要,也就是沙漏狀劃水。)
  • 5、Latch hooks and expansion screws are supplied together with themain unit, by which, themain unit can be hung inside toilet or where observation is easy in view of user's need.(主機配有掛鉤條和膨脹螺絲,可根據(jù)用戶的需要,掛在衛(wèi)生間或者其它容易觀測的地方。)
  • 6、This thesis introduces the design project, design of hardware and software, unit circles and experimentations ofmain unit circles in detail.(本文對系統(tǒng)的總體設(shè)計方案、硬件和軟件設(shè)計、單元電路及主要單元電路實驗進行了詳細地介紹。)
  • 7、As themain unit of medicine usage, hospital should bear the responsibility to guarantee the public to use medicine safety and effectivety.(醫(yī)療機構(gòu)作為用藥的主體單位承擔(dān)著民眾用藥安全的警戒工作,藥物警戒是醫(yī)院藥事管理委員會的重要職責(zé)之一。)
  • 8、Themain unit is composed of a SCM, a printer, a display and a panel keyboard, the SCM is respectively connected with the printer, the display and the panel keyboard.(所述的主機由單片機、打印機、顯示器和面板鍵盤組成,單片機分別與打印機、顯示器和面板鍵盤連接。)
  • 9、The sensor units, which comprise a lens, image sensor and cable for connection to amain unit, can be installed in tight places and are sold separately from themain units.(傳感器設(shè)備包括一個鏡頭,圖像傳感器和用于接到主設(shè)備的電纜。它可以安裝到一個緊湊的地方,而且可以與主設(shè)備分開出售。)
  • 10、Themain unit of the museum contains a library, indoor and outdoor theatres, an exhibition gallery, a multipurpose hall and a restaurant.(博物館主要的單元包括一座圖書館,室內(nèi)劇場與室外劇場,一座陳列廳,一座多功能廳和一家餐廳。)
  • 11、Most of the unite are two-bedroom Suites two guard, small high-rise 11-storey, flat is two guard, themain unit area of between 103-150 meters.(多層為二房二廳二衛(wèi),小高層11層,為三房二廳二衛(wèi),主力戶型面積在103-150平米之間。)
  • 12、The city has made clear China Academy of Urban Planning and Design Master Plan for the city to modify themain unit, with the Urban Planning and Design Institute for the unit.(我市已明確中國城市規(guī)劃設(shè)計研究院為城市總體規(guī)劃修改的主體單位,市規(guī)劃設(shè)計院為配合單位。)
  • 13、Themain unit is the building of the Office of Hubei Province.(公司的主營單位是湖北省建設(shè)廳。)
  • 14、The design idea ofmain unit techniques in this system, and some applied techniques are described in detail.(對系統(tǒng)中幾個主要單元技術(shù)設(shè)計思想以及應(yīng)用中一些關(guān)鍵技術(shù)作了具體說明。)
  • 15、"main unit" can be sterilized by high temperature and high pressure, reach the requirement of Ministry of Health.(可“整機”高溫高壓消毒,符合衛(wèi)生部消毒要求。)
  • 16、A brief description of steps is contained in themain unit.(步驟簡要說明包含在主單元。)
  • 17、Items except themain unit and the connection box are optionally available.(除主機和連接盒以外的各項是選購件。)
  • 18、Built-in relieve value, prevent damaging themain unit and oil leakage caused by shutting the door by strong pressure or wind.(內(nèi)置減壓閥,防止因外來強壓或強風(fēng)狀態(tài)下閉門而造成的主機損壞或漏油。)
  • 19、This module transmits a signal of higher speed than the conventional system in the region where the voltage signal from themain unit is steady.(這種模塊傳送信號的速度比傳統(tǒng)系統(tǒng)中來自主控單元的穩(wěn)定電壓信號要快。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 20、This is what we have under themain unit.(這是主機組下面的部分。)
  • 21、Themain unit contains two bedrooms to accommodate a family of four.(主要單元包含了兩間臥室,供一家四口居住。)
  • 22、The Media Centermain unit and the connection box 1 should not be in close proximity.(媒介中心主機和連接盒1不要靠得太近。)
  • 23、The buyer's "virtual machine" files (a virtual machine is themain unit of measurement in cloud computing) are parked on App Engine before being sent to a seller's servers.(購買者的虛擬機器文檔在App引擎上面顯示,然后再送到銷售者的服務(wù)器上(這是一種虛擬的機器,是云計算度量的主要單元)。)
  • 24、This paper introduces the light intensity data collection system of a microprocessor set, with a Z-80 microprocessor as itsmain unit, in the radius measurement of laser microbeams.(本文介紹了一臺以Z-80微處理機為主機的光強數(shù)據(jù)采集系統(tǒng),并將它用于激光微光束的半徑測量。)
  • 25、The paper describes the design principle,main unit structure, operation process, main features and application of LJK combined type tramp iron remover for magnetic ores.(介紹了LJK聯(lián)合磁性礦除鐵器的設(shè)計原理、主機結(jié)構(gòu)、工作過程、主要特點及應(yīng)用情況。)
  • 26、The referees are approved by national qualification. The official staffs are accreditation bymain unit.(裁判員由已批準的國家裁判員擔(dān)任、工作人員由主辦單位統(tǒng)一委派。)
  • 27、Safety airbag is themain unit of automotive passive safety system.(安全氣囊是汽車被動安全系統(tǒng)的主要裝置。)
  • 28、By taking S7-200 PLC made by German Siemens Corp. asmain unit, the automatic control function of adsorption type dryer is realized.(以德國西門子公司的S7-200可編程控制器(PLC)為控制主機,實現(xiàn)了吸附式干燥器自動控制的功能。)
  • 29、Themain unit from another side.(另一邊的主發(fā)電機組。)
  • 30、This system consists of interactive-drawing programming system, control of working, power source with large power pulse, themain unit uses pentium 586 chip.(本控制系統(tǒng)由交互式繪圖編程、加工控制、大功率脈沖電源三部分組成,主機采用奔騰586計算機。)

main unit基本釋義

main unit

英 [mein ?ju:nit] 美 [men ?jun?t] 
