
maintain order造句

maintain order造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:35:30


maintain order造句

  • 1、We must alwaysmaintain order in the assembly hall.(我們一定要隨時控扼這個會場的秩序。)
  • 2、Tomaintain order and unity in groups larger and less homogeneous than extended family systems is a complex and difficult task.(在比大家庭的系統(tǒng)更大更多樣的群體之中維持秩序和統(tǒng)一是件復雜、困難的任務。)
  • 3、Chinese teaching assistant tried tomaintain order by asking all to keep quiet.(一名華人助教看不過去,就叫同學安靜。)
  • 4、The policemaintain order in the city, help prevent crime, apprehends lawbreakers and directs traffic.(警察維持城市的秩序,協(xié)助防止犯罪,逮捕犯法者及指揮交通。)
  • 5、Security forces are allowed to use what's called "necessary force" tomaintain order and can search people and premises without a warrant.(安保部隊被允許使用所謂的“必要武力”來維持秩序,他們可以在沒有搜查令的情況下搜查人員和房屋。)
  • 6、Security guards at the Xilai Ranchmaintain order at the cricket-fighting tournament.(西來農(nóng)莊的保安人員,他們負責維持蟋蟀比賽的現(xiàn)場秩序。)
  • 7、Saturation policing helpsmaintain order in the Federal District.(足夠多的警力有助于維護聯(lián)邦區(qū)的秩序。)
  • 8、The army has been sent in tomaintain order in the capital.(軍隊被調(diào)進首都維持治安。)
  • 9、Police officers were deployed tomaintain order in different cities.(警察被部署在不同的城市,以維持秩序。)
  • 10、He said there is no alternative for him but tomaintain order under any circumstances.(他說,他沒有任何選擇,在任何情況下他只有去維持秩序。)
  • 11、Many police officers tomaintain order, fire engines stationed in the school as early as yesterday, just in case.(很多警察在維護秩序,消防車早在昨天就進駐學校,以防萬一。)
  • 12、Police were sent for tomaintain order.(請了警察來維持秩序。)
  • 13、She chooses to believe, in an unexamined way, that the regular army will prevail, or at leastmaintain order.(她選擇了相信,盲目的相信常備軍會勝利,至少也會維持現(xiàn)狀。)
  • 14、This young man volunteered tomaintain order in the Jiuzhou gymnastic stadium. Others brought food and hot soup.(青年志愿隊在九州體育館維持現(xiàn)場秩序,其他的志愿者則為受災人們購買食物和煮熱燙溫暖的湯,為他們解決饑餓問題。)
  • 15、Soldiers struggled tomaintain order.(士兵們努力的維持秩序。)
  • 16、A basic purpose of law in our society is tomaintain order and to resolve disputes.(在我們的社會中,法的一個基本目的便是維護秩序,解決糾紛。)
  • 17、Assist with andmaintain order at all times and discipline as need arises with methods set forth by the director.(時刻協(xié)助維持秩序,并在必要時候按院長教導的方式管教孩子。)
  • 18、People are too used to use force tomaintain order, so can't consider not suppression of social organization.(人們過于習慣借助力量來維持秩序,因此不可能考慮沒有壓制的社會組織。)
  • 19、maintain order and discipline in town and country.(維持城鎮(zhèn)、鄉(xiāng)村的秩序和紀律。)
  • 20、In order tomaintain order, consciously soldiers surrounded a circle hand in hand, the stars around the inside.(為了維持秩序,士兵們自覺地手拉手圍成一個圈,把明星們圍在里面。)
  • 21、Tomaintain order during the holiday, more than 500 security workers were stationed at the Forbidden City.(在節(jié)日期間,故宮派遣了超過500名安保人員維持秩序。)

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