
make a point of造句

make a point of造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:35:23


make a point of造句

  • 1、Whether it's Numbers, past history, or competitive analysis - Imake a point of stressing the business, brand, or financial reason for my debate.(我在爭論中往往強調(diào)商業(yè)、品牌和財務(wù)因素——無論是用數(shù)字、歷史還是競爭力分析說話。)
  • 2、If Nature's paradise sounds alluring,make a point of visiting South Island.(如果大自然中的天堂聽起來讓你覺得有吸引力,那么別忘了到南島去玩一玩。)
  • 3、I try tomake a point of being seen.(我嘗試特意地出現(xiàn)在人們視野中。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 4、make a point of listening to the birds, of seeing the flowers, of looking at the movement of the clouds.(特別要聽聽鳥叫聲,欣賞花草,觀看天空中云的移動。)
  • 5、It is clear they are straight because theymake a point of stating it in the comments.(很明顯他們都是直人,因為他們在評論中會特別強調(diào)這一點。)
  • 6、And theymake a point of exchanging business CARDS: for China's car boom is encouraging not just physical mobility but a new social mobility too.(他們還重視交換名片:因為中國的汽車繁榮不僅鼓勵了物理上的移動,而且鼓勵了一種新的社會流動。)
  • 7、To attain my goal I mustmake a point of training my body and mind.(到達我的目標我務(wù)必重視鍛煉自我的身心。)
  • 8、Twenge and her teammake a point of saying that they are not trying to establish causes as such, but that they are assessing the plausibility of potential causes.(特溫吉和她的團隊強調(diào),他們并不是在試圖確定原因本身,而是在評估潛在原因的合理性。)
  • 9、If they exist,make a point of going.(如果它們存在,做一個去點。)
  • 10、One might imagine bold explorers of the distant future whomake a point of scaling the highest features on the moon.(你可能會想象遙遠將來的一個勇敢的探險者決定要攀登月球上那些最高的山峰。)
  • 11、make a point of getting on with colleagues.(注意和同事的相處。)
  • 12、Maybe you shouldmake a point of soliciting alternative views, or consciously stop yourself from doing all the talking.(或許你應(yīng)該想方設(shè)法尋求不同的觀點,或許你要有意識地克制自己停止嘮嘮叨叨。)
  • 13、My father loves tomake a point of what he says by raising his voice.(我父親喜歡提高嗓門來強調(diào)他想說的事。)
  • 14、make a point of reading books and articles that motivate, encourage, and inspire you.(去讀那些給你動力、鼓勵和激勵的書籍和文章。)
  • 15、Set a timer or make a mental note of how long you've been plugged in. Thenmake a point of unplugging.(用表計時或者在心里記著你已經(jīng)在這些媒介上花了多長時間,并且規(guī)定一個時間讓自己退出來。)
  • 16、And especially he must stop smoking cigarettes. She wouldmake a point of that.(她要用好意把它沖淡,鼓勵他做個有志氣的男子漢,尤其要戒掉煙——這一點要加以強調(diào)。)
  • 17、They alsomake a point of helping others feel good, too. It’s an “I’m OK, You’re OK” attitude.(自信的人也樂于幫助別人感受到力量和認可,那是一種“我很好,你們也很好”的態(tài)度。)
  • 18、make a point of asking at least one meaningful question in any interaction - you'd be surprised at what you can learn.(特別注意在談話中提出至少一個有意義的問題——你會驚訝于自己所學(xué)到的東西。)
  • 19、Wemake a point of never publicizing the amount of money we make.(我們堅持從不公布我們賺了多少錢。)
  • 20、People who are well are concerned with nutrition and exercise and theymake a point of monitoring their body's condition.(身體健康的人注重營養(yǎng)和鍛煉,他們很重視檢查自己的身體狀況。)
  • 21、Finally,make a point of telling someone else what you have resolved and when and how you will enact it.(最后,告訴別人你下了什么樣的決心,準備何時及如何實現(xiàn)它。)
  • 22、make a point of getting to know those with whom you'll be working.(重視將與你一起工作的那些人。)
  • 23、Perhaps a lot of them don't realize how well we are doing, because we don'tmake a point of publicizing.(也許他們中的很多人沒有意識到我們做得有多好,因為我們沒有刻意去宣傳。)
  • 24、Most translatorsmake a point of editing their own work, even if it is to be edited later by someone else, which is very good practice.(多數(shù)譯者都特別注重對自己譯作的編輯,即使日后由別人編輯也是如此,這是非常好的做法。)
  • 25、make a point of going to different types of restaurants when you go out for dinner.(在外面吃飯時有意識的嘗試不同風(fēng)格的飯館。)

make a point of基本釋義

make a point of

英 [meik ? p?int ?v] 美 [mek e p??nt ?v] 
特別注意(做某事); 重視