
make a life造句

make a life造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:35:25


make a life造句

  • 1、But hauling tons of equipment to the moon to make fuel and build a life support system for a moon base, wouldn't that be too expensive?(但是把成噸的設(shè)備運(yùn)到月球去制造燃料,并為月球基地建造一個生命維持系統(tǒng),那不是太貴了嗎?)
  • 2、We make a living by what we get, wemake a life by what we give.(我們得到的讓我們生存,我們給予的讓我們生活。)
  • 3、But there is also a place in a young life for noble purposes that include a dedication to the broader society, a love of country and an aspiration to make their own leadership contributions.(但在年輕人的生活中,也有崇高的目標(biāo),包括對社會的奉獻(xiàn),對國家的熱愛,以及做出自己的領(lǐng)導(dǎo)貢獻(xiàn)的渴望。)
  • 4、Well I canmake a life meaningful.(恩,我可以讓生命有意義。)
  • 5、Try to keep in mind that almost everyone respects and wants to help you if you are trying to make a good change in your life, especially your dearest and nearest people.(請記住,如果你正嘗試把生活朝好的方向改變,幾乎每個人都會尊重你,想要幫助你,尤其是你最親近的人。)
  • 6、From childhood he picked okra for white farmers until one day he defied them, threw in his job and left the South on a Greyhound bus, already sure at 15 that he could nevermake a life there.(童年的他給白人農(nóng)場主收羊豆角,直到有一天他不在愿意忍受他們的歧視,扔掉了那份工作,坐上灰狗巴士離開了南部,因?yàn)?5歲的他,那個時候就知道,在那個地方過一輩子,肯定沒有前途。)
  • 7、I believe there are many things that we can do to make life in our town a lot better for teenagers.(我相信我們可以做很多事情來改善我們鎮(zhèn)上青少年的生活。)
  • 8、Obama soon decided he did not want a career in corporate law, and that he wanted tomake a life with Michelle.(Obama很快做了兩個決定,一,他不會一輩子靠公司法為生,二,他要和Michelle一起生活。)
  • 9、We make a living by what we get, but wemake a life by what we give.(我們靠所得來謀生,但靠給予來創(chuàng)造生活。)
  • 10、An eastern European tries tomake a life in a hostile city.(一個東歐人在生存條件惡劣的城市中的謀生歷程。)
  • 11、Youmake a life plan, and then, you know, you don't die yet.(比如你訂了一個人生計(jì)劃,然后,雖然你還沒有死。)
  • 12、Its clean air, attractive parks, and the absence of any industry, make this an ideal spot for people looking for a quiet life.(它有干凈的空氣、吸引人的公園以及沒有任何工業(yè),使它成為人們尋找安靜生活的理想場所。)
  • 13、God: True masters are those who have chosen tomake a life rather than a living.(神:真正杰出的人是那些選擇怎樣生活,而不是怎么樣生存的人。)
  • 14、I was divorced by the time I was twenty-one and as a single parent tried tomake a life for me and my son.(21歲時,我離了婚,作為一個單身媽媽,我為我和兒子的生活而努力。)
  • 15、You make a living by what you get, but youmake a life by what you give.(你靠得到的來謀生,但是你的付出造就了你的一生。)
  • 16、Gus is building the emotional connections thatmake a life more resilient.(格斯正在建立一種情感聯(lián)系,讓生活更有活力。)
  • 17、In education we are striving not to teach the youth to make a living, but tomake a life.(教育不是為了教會青年人如何謀生,而是教會他們?nèi)绾蝿?chuàng)造生活。)
  • 18、Susan made it clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself.(蘇珊向我明確表示,她想為自己開創(chuàng)新的生活。)
  • 19、Natal dispersal. That's what happens when young animals leave home tomake a life for themselves. Birds leave the nest. Mammals leave their home territories.(出生擴(kuò)散現(xiàn)象。當(dāng)年輕動物離開家園去依靠自己生存的時候出現(xiàn)的一種現(xiàn)象。就好比鳥兒離巢,動物離開他們的家園。)
  • 20、'Making a living is no longer enough,' wrote management guru Peter Drucker. 'Work also has tomake a life.'(管理學(xué)大師彼得·德魯克(PeterDrucker)說,生存已經(jīng)不夠了,工作也O為了生活。)
  • 21、Secret to happiness is tomake a life about giving.(幸福的秘訣就是在生命中為他人做出奉獻(xiàn)。)
  • 22、These are good reasons for young boys to be encouraged tomake a life habit of being physically active on a regular basis.(所以鼓勵男孩子們養(yǎng)成有規(guī)律的體育活動是一個好辦法。)
  • 23、Then one day, Thomas said "Let'smake a life-size doll. We can put it in the garden and use it as a scarecrow."(直到有一天,托馬斯說,“我們做個假人吧,做個和真人一般大的放在菜園里當(dāng)?shù)静萑擞?。?
  • 24、We bought a dishwasher to make life easier.(為使生活輕松些我們買了一臺洗碗機(jī)。)
  • 25、Two,make a life-long commitment to help kids in Rebecca's memory.(為了懷念Rebecca,承諾一生幫助兒童。) hAo86.com
  • 26、It may strike suddenly or build up slowly, but once the battling begins, it can assume tragic proportions for a couple trying tomake a life together.(可能突然出現(xiàn)或者慢慢產(chǎn)生,但是一旦戰(zhàn)斗開始,對一對想要共同生活的人來說,可能產(chǎn)生悲劇性的份量。)

make a life基本釋義