
make a living造句

make a living造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:35:25


make a living造句

  • 1、Now, Joe wants tomake a living off of his music.(喬想以音樂維生。)
  • 2、If you are young and thinking about your career, you will want to know where you canmake a living.(如果你還年輕,還在考慮你的事業(yè),你會想知道你能在哪里謀生。)
  • 3、He had gained 30 pounds and was confident that he could nowmake a living.(他的體重增加了30磅?,F(xiàn)在,他滿懷信心,覺得可以自謀生路了。)
  • 4、She saw him as a visionary, but her father saw him as a man who couldn'tmake a living.(她認(rèn)為他是個夢想家,但她的父親卻認(rèn)為他沒有謀生的能力。)
  • 5、Every artist has tomake a living!(每個藝術(shù)家都需要生存!)
  • 6、It was fun, but you could nevermake a living from it.(它充滿樂趣,但你別想靠它過活。)
  • 7、If I can'tmake a living at painting, at least I can teach someone else to paint.(如果我不能以畫畫謀生的話,至少我能教別人畫畫。)
  • 8、I can'tmake a living from my hobby.(我不能用我的愛好謀生。)
  • 9、He studied gastronomy but cannotmake a living as a cook.(他學(xué)習(xí)了烹飪但卻無法靠廚藝過活。)
  • 10、Big cities have special attractions for people, for example, they can easily get a job tomake a living.(大城市對人們有著特別的吸引力,比如,他們?nèi)菀渍业焦ぷ髦\生。)
  • 11、And yes these poems were also sung; many troubadours were able tomake a living being full-time poets which should tell you something about the value of that profession during medieval times.(是的,這些詩也是可以唱的;許多吟游詩人能夠以全職詩人的身份謀生,這應(yīng)該能啟示你一些關(guān)于這個職業(yè)在中世紀(jì)的價值。)
  • 12、You can'tmake a living online.(你不可能在網(wǎng)上謀生。)
  • 13、This is especially true if you’re trying tomake a living out of these endeavors.(這尤其如此,如果你想通過這種努力來作為生活的依靠。)
  • 14、What's more, years ago, many farmers left home for big cities tomake a living.(更重要的是幾年前,許多農(nóng)民離開大城市家庭謀生。) hao86.com
  • 15、Most people also have little or no food and no way tomake a living.(大多數(shù)人還幾乎或根本沒有食物且無法謀生。)
  • 16、Maybe you want tomake a living online following your passion.(也許你想通過網(wǎng)絡(luò),憑自己熱愛的事物賺點(diǎn)錢。)
  • 17、Now the stereotype is that theymake a living in the bazaars.(現(xiàn)在的印象是,烏茲別克人在小商品市場賺營生。)
  • 18、For someone without land or education, that still beats trying tomake a living in Bihar.(對于沒有土地或沒有教育的人來說,這仍然比試圖在比哈爾邦謀生要好。)
  • 19、Do you want to make a profit, or is it enough to justmake a living?(你想要去盈利,還是僅僅只是夠去滿足溫飽?)
  • 20、Work hard and try tomake a living.(努力工作,努力謀生。)
  • 21、Some people think they work because they have tomake a living.(有些人認(rèn)為,他們之所以工作是為了謀生。)
  • 22、I guess farming is about the cleanest way tomake a living.(我覺得經(jīng)營農(nóng)場大約是最清潔的一種謀生方式了。)
  • 23、Everybody has tomake a living.(人人都要討生活。)
  • 24、"You have tomake a living," she answered.(“你得謀生呢,”她說。)
  • 25、Many farmers have to depend on subsidies tomake a living wage.(許多農(nóng)民不得不依靠補(bǔ)助來維持基本的生活需要。)
  • 26、The possibilities are endless when it comes to how youmake a living.(當(dāng)涉及到你如何謀生時,其可能性是無窮多的。)
  • 27、One sales manager says it is hard tomake a living nowadays as an exporter.(銷售經(jīng)理唐女士表示,作為一名出口商,現(xiàn)在實(shí)在很難生存。)
  • 28、It's not a very secure way tomake a living.(以此謀生終非長久之計。)

make a living基本釋義

make a living

英 [meik ? ?livi?] 美 [mek e ?l?v??] 

謀生; 營生; 賺錢過活; 糊口謀生