
lose track of造句

lose track of造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:35:51


lose track of造句

  • 1、Thee skill is to motivate oneself constantly and to neverlose track of one's goals and to work constantly towards them.(這種技能就是不停地激勵自我、永遠不會迷失自己的目標并且不停地朝著目標努力。)
  • 2、As services, service data elements, and service providers and consumers proliferate, peoplelose track of all the pieces.(隨著服務、服務數(shù)據(jù)元素、服務提供商和使用者的增多,人們會無法跟蹤它們。)
  • 3、What am I doing when Ilose track of time?(我作什么的時候可以忘記時間的存在?)
  • 4、And, once you've broken it, you're probably going tolose track of your spending.(而且,一旦你找開零錢后,大概你對消費就會看不見了。)
  • 5、His mind would wander, and he wouldlose track of what he was doing.(他會心不在焉起來,忘了自己剛才正在干什么。)
  • 6、If you run a huge (possibly dynamic or database-driven) website, it is so easy tolose track of some of your pages.(如果你運行一個大的(可能是動態(tài)或者數(shù)據(jù)庫驅(qū)動)站點,很容易就會丟失對某些頁面的跟蹤。)
  • 7、More importantly, will the userslose track of where they are in the customization process?(更重要的是,這會不會把用戶搞糊涂了,連自己在定制過程的哪個地方都不知道呢?)
  • 8、To make the most of time,lose track of it (flow).(充分利用時間,忘記時間(心流)。)
  • 9、Neverlose track of what you were hired to do.(永遠不要忘記公司雇傭你的目的。)
  • 10、Basic advice, but it's surprising how many peoplelose track of things.(這是最基本的建議,但是令人驚訝的是有那么多人竟然不知道這件事。)
  • 11、You become so deeply absorbed in an activity that youlose track of time.(你是那么專注于一項活動,以致忘了時間。)
  • 12、Youlose track of time and there is nothing but the croissant in your life.(你忘記了時間,生活中除了牛角面包什么都沒有。)
  • 13、Spurl: Neverlose track of a web site again with Spurl's free on-line bookmarking service and search engine.(使用Spurl的免費線上書簽服務和搜索引擎,你決不會再次無故丟失網(wǎng)頁連接。)
  • 14、In the rush of activity, sometimes welose track of, you know, the ways that we connected with folks that got us here in the first place.(在忙碌的生活中我們有的時候會迷失方向,我們沒有很好的和人民大眾溝通好,沒有把廣大的人民放在首位。)
  • 15、Since it doesn't connect the two operations, it can easilylose track of the history of a file.(由于它不會連接兩個操作,因此也很容易使文件歷史軌跡丟失。)
  • 16、I do a lot of reading, and one of the few downsides to that habit is that I oftenlose track of the source of an idea or phrase.(我會讀很多東西,這個習慣帶來的一個缺點是經(jīng)常遺漏某個想法或詞組的來源。)
  • 17、It occurs when you are so immersed in an activity that youlose track of the passage of time.(在這種狀態(tài)下,人完全沉浸在某項活動中,以至忽略了時間的流逝。)
  • 18、When you snack throughout the day, it's easy tolose track of how much you've eaten.(當你一整天都在吃零食的時候,很容易記不清你到底吃了多少東西。)
  • 19、Don'tlose track of your goals.(不要迷失你的目標。)
  • 20、So you can't do this, because you're going tolose track of the Numbers if you do that.(你不能這樣做,因為你那樣做,你將會和,這些數(shù)字失去聯(lián)系。)
  • 21、I quicklylose track of her.(我在人群中失去了她的蹤跡。)
  • 22、"It'll help you avoid mindless munching," she said. When you snack throughout the day, it's easy tolose track of how much you've eaten.(“這幫助你避免了漫不經(jīng)心的咀嚼”,她說。當你一整天都在吃零食的時候,很容易記不清你到底吃了多少東西。)
  • 23、Flow occurs when you are so engrossed in an activity that you forget about your worries andlose track of time.(當你聚精會神地投入到一項活動中的時候,你忘記了煩惱,忘記了時間,這個時候“流動的你”就出現(xiàn)了。)

lose track of基本釋義

lose track of

英 [lu:z tr?k ?v] 美 [luz tr?k ?v] 
