
lubricating oil造句

lubricating oil造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:35:46


lubricating oil造句

  • 1、The state of the fuel oil,lubricating oil, cooling fresh and sea water, and bilge system.(燃油、滑油、冷卻水、海水和艙底水系統(tǒng)的情況。)
  • 2、They have paid close attention to the market for mid-gradelubricating oil and have adopted the strategy of "cutting into the sales of mid-gradelubricating oil".(外國石油公司已經(jīng)密切關(guān)注中檔油市場,開展了“下攻中檔油”的策略。)
  • 3、The result showed that the removal rate of this type of gelling agent to gasoline, diesel oil, kerosine andlubricating oil was higher than 90%.(結(jié)果表明,此類凝油劑對汽油,柴油,機(jī)油以及基苯及苯系有機(jī)溶劑等的去除率達(dá)90%以上。)
  • 4、The optimal weight fraction is 0.1%, for under this condition, the wear scar diameter is decreased 35.6% andlubricating oil has great time-release effect.(當(dāng)銅鎳復(fù)合粉體的質(zhì)量分?jǐn)?shù)達(dá)到0.1%時(shí),磨斑直徑降低幅度最大,達(dá)35.6%,并具有很好的長效減摩性能。)
  • 5、In the paper, the Neural Network model of metal content mainly monitored in thelubricating oil monitoring system of aeroengine is built by the method of Neural Network.(利用神經(jīng)網(wǎng)絡(luò)方法對某型航空發(fā)動機(jī)滑油監(jiān)控系統(tǒng)中需重點(diǎn)監(jiān)控的金屬元素含量建立了網(wǎng)絡(luò),并根據(jù)該模型對其含量變化趨勢進(jìn)行了預(yù)測分析。)
  • 6、An airplanelubricating oil injection gun comprises an oil storage cylinder plug (1), a decomposed joint (2), a cloth clamping hose (3) and an oil injection nozzle (4).(一種飛機(jī)滑油注油槍,其包括儲油筒堵頭(1)、分解接頭(2)、夾布膠管(3)、注油嘴(4)。)
  • 7、With the increasing soot level contaminatinglubricating oil, the oil viscosity increase and wear of engine components become more severe. And it shortens the life of engine.(柴油機(jī)油引起的粘度增長不僅縮短了柴油機(jī)的使用壽命,而且增加了零部件的磨損。)
  • 8、In this paper, the design of both the software and the hardware of the computer control system for the test-bed oflubricating oil system for aeroengine are discussed explicitly.(本文詳細(xì)討論了航空發(fā)動機(jī)滑油系統(tǒng)試驗(yàn)臺計(jì)算機(jī)控制系統(tǒng)的軟、硬件設(shè)計(jì)的過程和方法。)
  • 9、lubricating oil of the low pressure system supplies the main and other bearings.(低壓系統(tǒng)的滑油供給主軸承和其它軸承。)
  • 10、The application of time-series modeling and forecasting method to the spectral analysis forlubricating oil of mechanical equipment is discussed.(討論了時(shí)序建模與預(yù)測方法在機(jī)械設(shè)備滑油光譜分析中的應(yīng)用。)
  • 11、The article forlubricating oil into dry gas seal reason is analyzed.(本文針對干氣密封一次進(jìn)油事故原因進(jìn)行了分析。)
  • 12、With CD40lubricating oil as work medium, under the engine cooling system work conditions, 21 geometrical schemes of stainless steel offset strip fins were studied.(采用CD40柴油機(jī)油為工作介質(zhì),在發(fā)動機(jī)冷卻系統(tǒng)實(shí)際工況下,對21種幾何尺寸的錯列鋸齒型不銹鋼翅片進(jìn)行了研究。)
  • 13、Taking DF4B locomotive as an example, this paper analyses the reason of too lowlubricating oil pressure in running diesel engine, and gives countermeasures for it.(以DF4B型機(jī)車為例,系統(tǒng)地分析了造成柴油機(jī)機(jī)油壓力低的原因,并提出其判斷方法和對策。)
  • 14、The testing process was used CD40lubricating oil and CD40lubricating oil appending nano-Cu additive.(試驗(yàn)結(jié)果證明納米銅添加劑能夠有效改善柴油機(jī)的磨合質(zhì)量,縮短磨合時(shí)間。)
  • 15、The toxicity oflubricating oil and grease 'chiefly stem from additives and stuff. Its main harm is dermatitis.(潤滑油、脂的毒性主要來源于添加劑和填充物,其主要危害是皮炎。)
  • 16、It is one of the most important problems to assurelubricating oil of returning to the compressors all the time.(保證冷凍油源源不斷地返回壓縮機(jī)是制冷系統(tǒng)設(shè)計(jì)中最重要的課題之一。)
  • 17、As thelubricating oil passes over a hot engine part, it removes a certain amount of heat.(當(dāng)機(jī)油經(jīng)過發(fā)動機(jī)的熱的部件時(shí),它將帶走一定量的熱量。)
  • 18、In this paper, we discuss the applications of time series modeling method in the analysis oflubricating oil of mechanical equipment.(本文討論了時(shí)序建模方法在機(jī)械設(shè)備滑油光譜分析中的應(yīng)用。)
  • 19、Afterwards in meets in the fast box the replenishment 20lubricating oil.(隨后在接速箱內(nèi)加注20號機(jī)械油。)
  • 20、Three preparation methods for fluorocarbonlubricating oil and its properties and applications are introduced in this paper.(介紹了全氟碳油的產(chǎn)品性能及應(yīng)用情況。)
  • 21、The problems such as noise, abnormal sound, heat andlubricating oil leakage of front gear box of DF 8b locomotive are analyzed in detail.(對東風(fēng)8B型機(jī)車前變速箱存在的噪音、異音、發(fā)熱和機(jī)油泄漏等問題,進(jìn)行了詳盡的分析。)
  • 22、Test results proved that, in the process of using oil, the light oil content inlubricating oil can be judged from the decreasing degree of flash point.(試驗(yàn)證明:在油品使用過程中,從閃點(diǎn)的下降程度可以判斷混入輕質(zhì)油的含量。)
  • 23、lubricating oil inside the engine produces a film on the moving parts.(發(fā)動機(jī)內(nèi)部的機(jī)油在運(yùn)動部件上形成一層膜。)
  • 24、The higher the normal load, the smaller the effect of thelubricating oil inlet temperature and rolling speed on the traction coefficient.(隨著載荷增大,入口油溫和滾動速度對拖動系數(shù)的影響減?。?
  • 25、Fuel oil andlubricating oil sy stems including pumps, purifiers, filters, heaters.(滑油管系,包括泵、分油機(jī)、濾器、加熱器和管系狀況滿意,無泄漏。)
  • 26、lubricating oil is designed to effectively carry away the excess heat being produced.(機(jī)油有效地帶走發(fā)動機(jī)多余的熱量。)
  • 27、Previously, this problem was avoided by using a large amount oflubricating oil during machining.(為解決這一問題,以往是使用大量切削油進(jìn)行切削加工。) (好工具h(yuǎn)ao86.com)
  • 28、Alubricating oil pump shaft and a CAM transmission shaft are respectively sheathed in series in two inner cavities.(兩內(nèi)腔內(nèi)分別串套機(jī)油泵軸和凸輪傳動軸。)

lubricating oil基本釋義

lubricating oil

[?lu:brikeiti? ?il] 
