
make friends with造句

make friends with造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:35:17


make friends with造句

  • 1、make friends with PEOPLE OUTSIDE OF YOUR PROFESSION.(和你的職業(yè)范圍外的人交朋友。)
  • 2、It's hard for me tomake friends with strangers.(我很難和陌生人交朋友。)
  • 3、As far as I'm concerned, outlook really matters because if a person looks untidy, no one would like tomake friends with him, let alone to know about him.(在我看來,外表很重要,因?yàn)槿绻粋€(gè)人看上去很邋遢,沒有人會(huì)愿意和他交朋友,更別說了解他了。)
  • 4、I want tomake friends with you.(我想和你交個(gè)朋友。)
  • 5、Even in a college classroom, the students may notmake friends with those who have similar personalities and interests.(即使是在大學(xué)課堂上,學(xué)生也可能不會(huì)和那些性格和興趣相似的人交朋友。)
  • 6、Don'tmake friends with people who try to force their own views on you.(不要和試圖把自己的觀點(diǎn)強(qiáng)加給你的人交朋友。)
  • 7、Where do you start and who should youmake friends with?(在交朋友的時(shí)候,你該從哪里開始?應(yīng)該和誰交朋友?) Hao86.com
  • 8、Simon finds it hard tomake friends with other children.(西蒙感到難以和其他孩子交朋友。)
  • 9、"make friends with parents," she advises, "who don't think their kids are perfect."(她建議:“和那些認(rèn)為自己小孩并不完美的家長交朋友去?!?
  • 10、To be frank, he wanted tomake friends with them too.(坦白地說,他也想同他們交朋友。)
  • 11、He is a such a person that everyone wants tomake friends with him.(他是這樣的一個(gè)人,每個(gè)人都想和他交朋友。)
  • 12、Because he canmake friends with other volunteers.(因?yàn)樗梢院推渌驹刚呓慌笥选?
  • 13、"He's made up his mind tomake friends with thee," replied Ben.(“他已經(jīng)決定和你做朋友了。”本回答說。)
  • 14、I was impressed by her sincerity so deeply at that time that I decided tomake friends with her.(那時(shí)我被她的真誠深深打動(dòng)了,我決定要和她做朋友。)
  • 15、He resolved to waive rank andmake friends with the calf.(他決定放棄高貴身份,和這頭小牛做朋友。)
  • 16、So many people who visit Britain say it's difficult tomake friends with British people.(很多去過英國的人都說和英國人交朋友很難。)
  • 17、It's as if readers of paper booksmake friends with them.(就好像紙質(zhì)書的讀者和他們成為了朋友。)
  • 18、Would youmake friends with me?(你愿意和我交朋友嗎?)
  • 19、Buck cornered the wolf which led him to the forest tomake friends with him.(巴克把那只帶他進(jìn)森林的狼困住,因?yàn)樗牒退慌笥选?
  • 20、It's easy tomake friends with others, but hard to find a close friend.(和別人交朋友很容易,但找到一個(gè)密友很難。)
  • 21、make friends with? Oods: The Floating Gardens of Yongning River Park, taizhou.(與洪水為友:臺(tái)州的漂流花園——永寧河公園。)
  • 22、No one would refuse tomake friends with a man with a good sense of humour.(沒有人會(huì)拒絕和一個(gè)有幽默感的人交朋友。)
  • 23、Next, one of his oddest Suggestions:make friends with your environment.(接下來的這條建議比較怪異:和你的環(huán)境中交朋友。)
  • 24、In rural Russia, eggs can help youmake friends with supernatural forces.(在俄羅斯農(nóng)村,雞蛋能幫助你與超自然力量成為朋友。)
  • 25、We mustmake friends with those who have good character and kindness of heart.(我們必須和凡是具有良好品格和心地善良的人交朋友。)
  • 26、They canmake friends with people from other countries.(他們可以與其他國家的人交朋友。)
  • 27、B Going shopping with foreigners is a good way tomake friends with them.(和老外去購物是和他們結(jié)交朋友的好辦法。)
  • 28、People tend tomake friends with others in the same age as they could understand each other easily.(人們傾向于與同齡人交朋友,因?yàn)樗麄兛梢院苋菀椎乩斫鈱?duì)方。)

make friends with基本釋義

make friends with

與 ... 交友; 與 ... 交朋友; 和睦