
make ends meet造句

make ends meet造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:35:19


make ends meet造句

  • 1、I couldmake ends meet with a full-time job, but how would that work with the kids?(有一份全職工作我就可以收支平衡,但這對孩子們行得通嗎?)
  • 2、But do Millennials respond to these economic troubles by doing whatever it takes tomake ends meet?(但是,千禧一代會為了應(yīng)對這些經(jīng)濟問題而不擇手段嗎?)
  • 3、When people feel lonely, are grieving the loss of a loved one, or are struggling tomake ends meet, their bodies go into threat mode.(當(dāng)人們感到孤獨,為失去所愛的人而悲傷,或為維持生計而掙扎時,他們的身體就會進入威脅狀態(tài)。)
  • 4、Many families struggle tomake ends meet.(許多家庭只能勉強維持生計。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 5、They can barelymake ends meet because their retirement income has vanished with the stock market.(他們幾乎不能做到收支相抵,因為他們的退休收入伴隨著股市一起蒸發(fā)掉了。)
  • 6、The hours were convenient, but he wouldn't have been able tomake ends meet.(工作時間很方便,但他會入不敷出的。)
  • 7、The hours were convenient, but if he had accepted it, he wouldn't have been able tomake ends meet.(這個工作時間很方便,但如果他接受了,他就入不敷出了。)
  • 8、If so you are much better placed than people who are burdened with excessive debts and who struggle tomake ends meet.(如果你比那些負(fù)擔(dān)沉重債務(wù)和努力使收支相抵的人處于一個更好的位置。)
  • 9、Our former church gave it to my family, knowing I'm a single parent trying tomake ends meet.(得知我是單親媽媽,努力維持生計,我之前的教堂把它贈與了我們一家人。)
  • 10、As a documentary filmmaker, he thinks like an indigenous tribesperson struggling tomake ends meet.(而作為一名紀(jì)錄片導(dǎo)演,他像一個努力想要達(dá)到收支平衡的土著。)
  • 11、“You cannotmake ends meet on 400 euros a month, ” declared one retired plumber.(“你不可能靠400歐元過一個月”,一個退休的水管工人說。)
  • 12、My worst years of undergrad involved working 80 hours a week at 3 different part time jobs tomake ends meet.(我本科最艱難的日子是一周做3份不同的兼職,工作80個小時,只能夠湊合著生活。)
  • 13、Cocktail waitressing seemed like a good way tomake ends meet.(所以雞尾酒服務(wù)員這份工作看起來就像是一種很好的量入為出的方法。)
  • 14、As a result, households have had to dip into their savings tomake ends meet.(因此,很多家庭都不得不動用他們的儲蓄才能達(dá)到收支平衡。)
  • 15、Now they depend on the church's help with child care tomake ends meet.(但現(xiàn)在他們依靠教會學(xué)校的幫助來維持生計。)
  • 16、But I still had to find a job tomake ends meet.(可是我還得找份工作才能過日子。)
  • 17、It might be hard tomake ends meet if you lose your job.(如果你丟了工作,那恐怕很難維持收支平衡。)
  • 18、It can also relieve some of the pressure associated with trying tomake ends meet.(它也可以緩解那種擔(dān)心入不敷出的壓力。)
  • 19、Tomake ends meet, Cubans are forced to rely on a vast informal economy.(為了保證收支平衡,古巴人被迫要依賴于巨額的非正式經(jīng)濟。)
  • 20、With less access to credit, many families are finding the only way tomake ends meet is to cut spending.(在獲取信貸變得更難的情況下,很多家庭發(fā)現(xiàn),維持日常開支的唯一辦法就是減少開支。)
  • 21、One reason many people simplymake ends meet and never have enough money is that they condemn money.(很多人就是達(dá)不到收支平衡和錢總是不夠用的原因之一他們鄙視金錢。)
  • 22、Hard to believe a young fellow should have to work sixty or seventy hours a week tomake ends meet [5].(簡直不能相信一個年輕人一周必須得工作60或70個小時來勉強維持生計。)
  • 23、Regrettably, the Tokugawa shoguns' search for solvency for the government made it increasingly difficult for individual Japanese who lived on fixed stipends tomake ends meet.(令人遺憾的是,德川幕府對政府償付能力的尋求,使靠固定津貼生活的日本人越來越難以維持生計。)
  • 24、I am not from Shanghai and I barelymake ends meet with my salary.(我不是上海人,我的工資才剛剛能勉強夠維持生活。)
  • 25、Maybe you have a newborn or a sick child, or maybe you're working two jobs tomake ends meet.(可能你有一個剛出生或者生病的孩子,又或者你在打兩份工以維持生活。)

make ends meet基本釋義

make ends meet

量入為出; 使 ... 收支相抵; 靠微薄收入為生