make faces造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:35:18


make faces造句

  • 1、One rule is symmetry - it doesmake faces more attractive.(規(guī)律之一是對(duì)稱-對(duì)稱的確是相貌更具吸引力。)
  • 2、That kidmake faces at me.(那小鬼對(duì)我做出鬼臉。)
  • 3、Girls like tomake faces when they are shy.(女孩子在害羞時(shí)喜歡做鬼臉。)
  • 4、Don'tmake faces at me.(不要跟我扮鬼臉。)
  • 5、The advantage of using punctuation marks is that you canmake faces with them.(用標(biāo)點(diǎn)的優(yōu)點(diǎn)是你可以用它們來(lái)做鬼臉。)
  • 6、I began tomake faces and the baby didn't cry any more.(我開(kāi)始做鬼臉,接著小孩就不再哭了。)
  • 7、She likes tomake faces at the teacher.(她喜歡向老師扮鬼臉。)
  • 8、He wasmake faces at me all the time I tied him.(他讓我在所有的面孔當(dāng)時(shí)我把他綁。)
  • 9、Don'tmake faces in class next time.(下次不要在課堂上做鬼臉。)
  • 10、I made sure that I was there tomake faces at her as she spoke her vows.(我確信,我在那兒沖她做鬼臉,是因?yàn)樗f(shuō)所立下的誓言。)
  • 11、You mustn'tmake faces in class.(上課不要做鬼臉,出洋相。)
  • 12、He doesn'tmake faces in class any more.(課堂上他不再做鬼臉了。)
  • 13、Don'tmake faces in class.(不要在課堂上做鬼臉。)
  • 14、The teacher told him not tomake faces in class.(老師告訴他不要在上課時(shí)做鬼臉。)
  • 15、His team asked volunteers tomake faces corresponding to a particular emotion and filmed the result.(他的團(tuán)隊(duì)讓志愿者們根據(jù)某一特定情緒做出相應(yīng)的面部表情,并拍攝下這些面部表情。)
  • 16、It is easy tomake faces at the sun, he is exposed by his own light in all directions.(對(duì)太陽(yáng)作鬼臉是最容易不過(guò)的,從各方面看,他都暴露在自己的光芒里。)
  • 17、It is easy tomake faces at the sun. He is exposed by his own light in all directions.(對(duì)太陽(yáng)扮鬼臉很容易,從任何角度看,他都暴露在他所擁有的光芒里。)
  • 18、So just how ready are people to wave their hands in the air ormake faces at devices with embedded video readers?(人們到底有沒(méi)有準(zhǔn)備好對(duì)著空氣揮手,或者對(duì)著一個(gè)視頻捕捉設(shè)備翹首弄姿?)
  • 19、I mean, it's not as if Imake faces or anything.(我是說(shuō),這不像我作個(gè)鬼臉或者別的什么。)
  • 20、Toddlers examine their toes,make faces in the mirror, turn in a circle until they get dizzy and collapse into giggles.(剛學(xué)走路的孩子則會(huì)仔細(xì)觀察他們的腳趾,在鏡子里做鬼臉,在地上原地打圈,直到頭暈而倒下,然后咯咯地笑。)
  • 21、Peoplemake faces there.(人們?cè)谀抢镒龉砟槨?
  • 22、On someone pull a face of the translation, tomake faces interpretation pull a face means …(對(duì)某人做鬼臉的翻譯,做鬼臉的解釋,做鬼臉的意思…)
  • 23、I'm a mirror, when youmake faces to me I alsomake faces to you.(我是一面鏡子,當(dāng)你對(duì)我做鬼臉的時(shí)候我也在對(duì)你做鬼臉。)
  • 24、Little kids like me enjoyed watching him working. He raised his head tomake faces to us from time to time, which made us laugh.(我們這些孩子常常圍著他看,他就不時(shí)地抬頭扮個(gè)鬼臉,逗得我們哈哈大笑。)
  • 25、It is easy tomake faces at the sun. He is exposed by his own light in all diretions.(譏諷太陽(yáng)很容易,因?yàn)樗墓庖呀?jīng)讓它完全暴露。)
  • 26、Theymake faces all day.(他們?cè)谧龉砟槪ㄖ圃毂砻妫?
  • 27、Don't play around with food ormake faces in your potato mash.(不要摧殘華侈轔轢食品與將土豆泥涂在自己的臉上。)

make faces基本釋義

make faces

做鬼臉; 做怪相