
make the best of a bad job造句

make the best of a bad job造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:35:12


make the best of a bad job造句

  • 1、It's time to quit complaining andmake the best of a bad job.(是停止抱怨,盡力做好工作的時(shí)候了。)
  • 2、We must learn tomake the best of a bad job.(我們必須學(xué)會(huì)充分利用不利于我們的工作。)
  • 3、But I was resolved tomake the best of a bad job.(但是,我下定決心要盡量利用這次不利的境遇。) 【hao86.com好工具】

make the best of a bad job基本釋義

make the best of a bad job

英 [meik e? best ?v ? b?d d??b] 美 [mek ei b?st ?v e b?d d?ɑb] 
