
make kites造句

make kites造句

更新時間:2024-08-27 23:35:15


make kites造句

  • 1、The spring, people will come out flying kites careful, make your body more thing - kites, is that it is you get ugly;(春天,人們出來放風箏一不小心就會讓你的身上多一樣東西-風箏,是它是你變得難看;)
  • 2、Here's what they want them to do: climb a tree, build a sand castle, collect tadpoles, finger paint andmake kites, among other activities.(他們想讓孩子做各種各樣的事情:爬樹,在沙地上堆城堡、采集蝌蚪、用手指作畫、制作風箏等等。)
  • 3、The boy was not a good student. Yet he liked to make things, such as kites and clocks and simple machines.(牛頓并不是一個好學生,然而,他喜歡動手做事,如做一些風箏、時鐘和一些簡單的機械等。)
  • 4、The idea of kites helped people to make planes.(風箏激發(fā)了人們制造飛機的想法。)
  • 5、Today, people all over the world make and fly kites for fun.(今天,世界各地的人們都以做風箏和放風箏為樂趣。)
  • 6、He canmake kites.(他會做風箏。)
  • 7、Many kites are mass-produced in factories, and now people canmake kites using things like carbon fiber metal for the skeleton.(很多風箏在工廠大批量制作,現(xiàn)在人們可以用碳纖維材料制作風箏骨架。) hao86.com
  • 8、Flying kites can make people healthy.(放風箏可以使人健康。)
  • 9、My friends and I make the deal that when the wind comes, we will go to the park and fly kites.(朋友們和我約定風來了,我們就去公園放風箏。)
  • 10、This can make the sand in the wind can be planted hours, winds can also be stable, its flight performance is better than other types of kites.(這能使沙燕兒在風小時能起,風大時也能穩(wěn),其飛行性能優(yōu)于其他類型的風箏。)
  • 11、Each will be carrying five kites of different sizes to make best use of the breezes.(他們每人將帶上5個尺寸不同的風箏以便盡可能地利用微風。)
  • 12、Ok. Let's make some kites in today's art and craft lesson. Great.(好吧。讓我們在藝術(shù)手工課上作一些風箏。好極了。)
  • 13、I love flying kites, too. I'd like to make a kite.(我也喜歡放風箏。我想做個風箏。)
  • 14、Jingtailan cloisonne, jade, silk embroidery etc are very ancient; and native handicrafts such as clay figurine, Peking opera mask, kites, paper-cuttings etc are inexpensive and make excellent.(景泰藍、玉器、絲綢刺繡等歷史悠久;民間手工藝品,如泥人、京劇臉譜、風箏、剪紙等物美價廉,都是饋贈親友的上佳禮品。)
  • 15、Who are your customers? What kind of money do you make selling kites?(你都有什么樣的客戶?賣風箏能賺多少錢?)
  • 16、Some kites may be reluctant to go to this nose-high position which can make this trick more difficult.(一些風箏不太容易進入這種機頭抬起的姿態(tài),而這將使得本招變得很困難。)

make kites基本釋義
