make noise造句

更新時(shí)間:2024-08-27 23:35:15


make noise造句

  • 1、They willmake noise and throw rubbish everywhere.(他們會(huì)制造噪音和垃圾到處扔。)
  • 2、Don'tmake noise in the library.(不要在圖書(shū)館里制造噪音。)
  • 3、We mustn'tmake noise in class.(我們不能在教室里制造噪音。)
  • 4、Don'tmake noise in the study, or father will get angry.(不要在書(shū)房里制造噪音,否則父親會(huì)生氣。)
  • 5、He feared the children tomake noise.(他怕孩子們吵鬧。)
  • 6、I won'tmake noise from now on.(從現(xiàn)在起,我不弄噪音了。)
  • 7、We get together every Sunday andmake noise for a couple of hours.(我們每周日聚會(huì),花上幾個(gè)小時(shí)制造噪音。)
  • 8、Don'tmake noise in class.(不要在課上制造噪音。)
  • 9、Do notmake noise that will disturb the guests.(不要制造雜音,這會(huì)影響客人。)
  • 10、You mustn'tmake noise. We are having a meeting.(你不可以吵鬧,我們正在開(kāi)會(huì)。)
  • 11、Sometimes, the fans just seemed tomake noise for its own sake.(有時(shí)候,觀眾們純粹只是為了制造噪音而噓。)
  • 12、TV, washing machine, even the phone call canmake noise.(電視,洗衣機(jī),甚至電話都能制造噪音。)
  • 13、Don'tmake noise in the hospital.(在醫(yī)院里不要大聲喧嘩。)
  • 14、You can'tmake noise in class, in that case you'll be punished.(你上課不能吵鬧,否則你將會(huì)受到懲罰。)
  • 15、Don'tmake noise, will you?(不要吵鬧,行嗎?)
  • 16、You are not supposed tomake noise when others are talking.(別人說(shuō)話時(shí),你不該制造噪音。)
  • 17、Pins are small and don'tmake noise when they fall to the floor.(針是很小的。當(dāng)它們調(diào)到地上時(shí),是不會(huì)發(fā)出很大的噪音的。)
  • 18、It won't shout loudly, evenmake noise.(它不會(huì)大喊大叫,甚至也不會(huì)制造噪音。)

make noise基本釋義
